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Branston returned slowly down the long room, and halted with out-turned pumps and a grave inclination before me, and the faintest amount of interrogation in the announcement 'Please,'m, she says she's the governess. 'The governess! What governess? Branston was too well-bred to smile, and he said thoughtfully 'P'raps,'m, I'd best ask the master?

"She not so bad ole woman, me tink, and p'raps tings go better dan we suppose. At all events, she make berry good fricassee." And he pointed to the dish of fowl prepared as he had described, which looked very tempting.

"A dook 'e must be," said a small street boy in a loud stage whisper to a dray-man for small street-boys are sown broadcast in London, and turn up at all places on every occasion, "or p'raps," he added on reflection, "'e's on'y a markiss." "Now then," said Giles to the dray-man with a motion of the hand that caused him to move on, while he cast a look on the boy which induced him to move off.

"I thought p'raps it might ha' bin Smith, as you're such a lightnin' change artist. Just bung in to the engine-room, will you, an' find out wot that son of a gun below there is a-doing of?" "I will go if you like, sir, but I know nothing about engines." "Take charge here, then. Keep her steady as she goes. You've a clear course half a mile to westward of that light."

Had they gone straight on they would soon have found themselves in Monkhaven High Street, where, at this moment, Tim was shut up in the police office. But after wandering on a little way they got frightened, for no Tim was to be seen, and they stood still and looked at each other. "P'raps this isn't the way he went after all," said Pamela.

Charlie was Miss Hender's favourite, and, as a rule, got what he asked for, though not, perhaps, the first time. Miss Hender was impressed by his last words. "P'raps we shan't all be here by another, one."

"'Ask me no questions, then, said the countryman, 'and I'll tell you no lies; but if you think to run a rig on me, you have made a mistake in the child, and barked up the wrong tree, that's all. P'raps I ain't so old as you be, but I warn't born yesterday.

But Lord Frederick Verisopht was both, and took them to be complimentary. 'Well, he said, 'p'raps you're a little right, and p'raps you're a little wrong a little of both, Nickleby. I want to know where this beauty lives, that I may have another peep at her, Nickleby. 'Really Ralph began in his usual tones.

At once there crept from beneath it a bear, a wolf, a cat, a weasel, and a field-mouse, who all rushed from the room and escaped into the mountains. "Come on, Toto," said Dorothy; "let's go back to the Emerald City. You've given me a good scare, Wizard," she added, with dignity, "and p'raps I'll forgive you, by'n'by; but just now I'm mad to think how easily you fooled me."

Rosamond smiled a little, but it was not a very bright smile. 'I I thought you were thinking, auntie, she said, 'and p'raps you were tired. 'Just a scrap tired, I daresay, said Aunt Mattie, 'and yes I was thinking, but I shouldn't have forgotten you, my pet. Are you not tired? 'I don't know, auntie, the little girl replied. 'My head feels rather buzzy, I think.