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But little Phoebe promised so far to out-do her mother, that it seemed doubtful if she could "black herself" if she tried. Only the bloom of childhood could have resisted the polishing effects of yellow soap, as Phoebe's brow and cheeks did resist it. Her shining hair was compressed into a plait that would have done credit to a rope-maker.

Nature is satisfied if the efficacy of her defence is sufficient to save enough individuals to carry on the race. Man desires in the case of his own fellows to out-do Nature and to save all.

But even after such an evening, he never failed to sit down and write pages in his journal-letter to Ellen a practice which he began of his own accord, after receiving the first journal-letter from her. "Ha! little Alice," he said, "we'll keep a journal too, for mamma, won't we! She shall not out-do us that way."

He was content to fight it out, through all his life to come, as "The Shagganappi," and when the time came for him to go to the great Eastern college in Ontario he went with his mind made up that no boy living was going to shoulder him into a corner or out-do him in the race for attainment. "Hello, fellows, there is an Indian blown in from the North-West.

She put her word in on every subject, and when, presently, Demetrius who, after Dada's rebuff, had come on to see his uncle began speaking of the horses he had been breeding for Marcus, and Constantine enquired whether any Arabs from his stables were to be purchased in the town, Damia broke out: "You out-do your crucified God in most things I observe!

"Mellot turned man of science? Impossible!" "No; only photographer. I am tired of painting nature clumsily, and then seeing a sun-picture out-do all my efforts so I am turned photographer, and have made a vow against painting for three years and a day." "Why, the photographs only give you light and shade."

They are so sweeping in their condemnations, so sublime in their conceptions of excellence, and the most finished Puritan cannot out-do their demands upon frail humanity. Evan's momentary self-examination saved him from this, and he told the Countess, with a sort of cold compassion, that he himself dared not blame her.

Many a man, cold and unemotional heretofore in his attitude toward the war, was won to a recognition of its menace, its necessities, and his personal duty to his country, by the arguments and example of the Liberty Girls. If there was a spark of manhood in him, he would not allow a young girl to out-do him in patriotism.

And then I began to consider that in climbing to some unknown, unseen height in deep darkness I was, after all, doing a wiser thing than living in the world with the ways of the world, ways that are for the most part purely hypocritical, and are practised merely to overreach and out-do one's fellow-men and women ways of fashion, ways of society, ways of government which are merely temporary, while Nature, the invincible and eternal, moves on her appointed course with the same inborn intuition, namely, to destroy that which is evil and preserve only that which is good.

The difference between us is only, what they think, I act. But the immodest ones out-do the worst of us by a bar's length, both in thinking and acting. Whence can this be, but from a likeness in nature? And this made the poet say, That ever woman is a rake in her heart. It concerns them, by their actions, to prove the contrary, if they can.