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The street door was open, and the servant was taking the opportunity of looking out at the carriage which was pausing within sight when it became apparent to her that the lady who "belonged to it" was coming towards her. "Is Mrs. Lydgate at home?" said Dorothea.

"Yes; that is, we not only want to get to know them, but we want to work... to toil for them." "Very well. I promise you that you shall get to know them. I will give you the opportunity of doing as you wish. And you, Nejdanov, are you ready to go for her... and for them?" "Of course I am," he said hastily. "Juggernaut," another word of Paklin's, flashed across his mind.

But they told me that she would be there only between trains, and that she was deaf, and that I had an opportunity to save a fellow-being from ruin. So in the end I capitulated. When they opened the door into the living room, Max Reed had arrived and was helping to hide a decanter and glasses, and somebody said a cab was at the door. And that was the way it began.

"Yes," she said, "you should see the grounds the whole place is superb but this is the glory of it all, and I have brought you straight here because I wanted to see it with you, and this may be the only opportunity." "What do you mean?" he asked apprehensively. "You heard Mr. Ruggles's question about the cable dispatch?" she said. "Yes."

But we have the testimony of one who had ample opportunity for observation, and who made the most extended personal inquiries, that, twenty-five years afterwards, only two per cent. of the Indians, and only twenty per cent. of the whites and half-breeds, could read and write; and in 1856, actual statistics showed that but one in thirty-seven attended school.

Do you think, if you are given this splendid opportunity, you can make a man of yourself?" "I'll try," very joyfully answered the boy. "Very well; sign a recognizance, and go with the gentleman," said the judge. A few minutes later the boy and his new friend left together, while tears of genuine pleasure stood in many eyes in the crowded courtroom.

We responded by running our ensign up to the gaff, but reserved our fire for a while, the skipper having as yet had no opportunity of finding out our lads' capabilities with the guns.

In all well-bred communities the preacher's wife is given the free moral agent's opportunity to draw her own line between the world and the church. If she refuses a series of invitations to teas and clubs and receptions, it is understood that she is not of the world, will have none of it, and she is left to pursue her pious way to just the church services and missionary meetings.

Then the doctor, it seems, hears his patient, and recommends him only to drink a very little whisky and potash water, or to take two bottles of port every day, or to take to angling, or to give up smoking, or to work less or to work more, or to go to bed early or to get up late, or to ride, or to fence, or to play golf, or to go to Upper Egypt or the Engadine, or anything that fancy may dictate and opportunity suggest.