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Mrs. Champ Perry bustled in to lend "Ben Hur," as a preventive of future infant immorality. The Widow Bogart appeared trailing pinkish exclamations, "And how is our lovely 'ittle muzzy today! My, ain't it just like they always say: being in a Family Way does make the girlie so lovely, just like a Madonna.

"When?" "When he talks about colour-values." "I believe you're right. I'm feeling a bit muzzy about the legs, as if I couldn't move. A bit fuzzy " "Muzzy, I think you said." "Fuzzy." "Muzzy. But we needn't quarrel about it, need we? I shall be sick in a minute, old man." "It's rather hard on a fellow to be always misunderstood.

Then I remember also a translation of Voltaire's "Candide," and "Rasselas;" and, vast book though it was, I really believe I read, in a muzzy sort of way of course, from end to end, and even with some reference now and then to the Atlas, Gibbon in twelve volumes. These readings whetted my taste for more, and surreptitiously I raided the bookcases in the big saloon.

In the frankness of conviviality, Moggs bewailed the uncongenial task thus thrust into his hands, and my uncle offered to lighten his burden by a partnership then and there. They even got to terms extremely muzzy terms, but terms nevertheless.

At the time I was less frightened than I have often been since in thinking over it. The others were more alarmed for me than I was for myself, and I heard Mr. Sims and old Muzzy urging upon Rupert to let the matter go no further. But this he would not now hear of, and in the state of mind I was then in I should have been little better satisfied than he to have had the affair patched up.

He left off thinking about Fanny. He poured out tea and handed bread and butter in a happy dream. He ate and drank without knowing what he ate and drank. His whole consciousness was one muzzy, heavy sense of the fullness and nearness of Elise. He could feel his ears go "vroom-vroom" and his voice thicken as if he were slightly, very slightly drunk.

But Old Jacob declined to relinquish my hand, and, with more mysterious winks, declared in a muzzy voice that I might trust him, and that I needn't say that my cousin was in New York, when he and him had been a-ridin' around together to the bay and back ag'in only the day before.

I longed most painfully to be at home among the scenes and friends of my youth, and I resolved, once I had risen from my sick bed, to let no motives of ambition or interest detain me any further in Indostan. I communicated these sensible resolutions to old Muzzy, who thoroughly approved of them. "And I tell you what, Athelstane, lad, we'll make our passage home in company," he said.

Muzzy and just drink a drop of coffee Ah must get insomina, but Ah don't see why anybody that tries to be a gennulman should have to go and bang the door and just rack mah nerves." He slunk up-stairs behind Mrs. Zapp's lumbering gloom. "There's something I wanted to tell you, Mrs. Zapp something that's happened to me. That's why I was out celebrating last evening and got in so late." Mr.

He would apologize very sweetly for the trouble he was giving everybody, declaring that it made him very uncomfortable; but even Fanny could see that he was gratified. And as he got worse before he became too ill to think about it at all he had a muzzy yet pleasurable sense that everybody in Wyck-on-the-Hill and in the county for miles round was thinking of him.