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By the time they were out on the wild ground between the market town and Murewell, Robert's spirits were as buoyant as thistle-down. He and the driver kept up an incessant gossip over the neighbourhood, and he jumped down from the carriage as the man stopped with the alacrity of a boy. 'Go on, Tom; see if I am not there as soon as you.

'I apologise, I apologise, cousin Emma, once for all, said the young man, surprising her glance, and despairingly smoothing down his recalcitrant locks. 'Let us hope that mountain air will quicken the pace of it before it is necessary for me to present a dignified appearance at Murewell.

The father took his deposition very quietly. Only on Murewell Hall would he allow no trespassing, and so long as his son left him undisturbed there, he took his effacement in other quarters with perfect meekness.

He sat there for long, sunk in the blackest reverie. He was the only living creature in the great library wing which spread around and above him the only waking creature in the whole vast pile of Murewell. The silver lamps shone with a steady melancholy light on the chequered walls of books.

You will admit that it is a little hard on a man who wants to live on good terms with the possessor of the Murewell library to have to open relations with him by a fierce attack on his drains and his pigsties. He turned to his companion with a half-rueful spark of laughter in his gray eyes. Langham hardly caught what he said. He was far away in meditations of his own.

He had not only pretended to forget Rose Leyburn during the eighteen months which had passed since their first acquaintance at Murewell he had for all practical purposes forgotten her. It is only a small proportion of men and women who are capable of passion on the great scale at all; and certainly, as we have tried to show, Langham was not among them.

Elsmere pointed out vindictively that family livings were a corrupt and indefensible institution. Mr. Grey replied calmly that they probably were, but that the fact did not affect, so far as he could see, Elsmere's competence to fulfil all the duties of rector of Murewell.

We may quote a passage or two from some letters of his written at this time to that young Armitstead who had taken his place at Murewell and was still there till Mowbray Elsmere should appoint a new man. Armitstead had been a college friend of Elsmere's.

'Rose, don't be abusive, said Robert, opening his eyes at her tone. Then, passing his arm through hers he looked banteringly down upon her. 'For the first time since you left the metropolis you have walked yourself into a color. It's becoming and it's Murewell so be civil!

Why, he added, looking darkly at Robert, while the great head fell forward on his breast in the familiar Murewell attitude, 'why can't you do your work and let the preaching alone? 'Because, said Robert, 'the preaching seems to me my work. There is the great difference between us, Squire. You look upon knowledge as an end in itself. It may be so.