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She put back the poison mechanically on the ledge of the window and watched, as in a dream, the ship gliding smoothly on its silent way gliding till it melted dimly into shadow gliding till it was lost in the mist. The strain on her mind relaxed when the Messenger of Life had passed from her sight. "Providence?" she whispered faintly to herself. "Or chance?"

The poet sits upon a peak and gazes before him into the mist, which, like canvas spread upon the easel, conceals all heights and expanses; then comes the God of Love and teaches him how to paint a picture on the mist. The little one now sketches with his rosy fingers a picture such as only Nature and Goethe give us.

"Putting on society airs," he thought to himself, with a sneer. However, he smiled involuntarily; the girl was so very pretty and so very unlike anything which he had ever seen. "Dressed up as if she were going to a ball, in a dress made like a night-gown," he thought, but he smiled. As for Horace, he felt dazzled. He had scarcely realized how pretty Rose was under the dark-blue mist of her veil.

And in that mist, and in what came before it, we may look for the origin of things as they are. But we must begin somewhere. Let us begin with the landscape as we see it now, hills, valleys, streams, mountains, grass, but with only a single tree. We will not try to say how the tree came there. At least, we will not try just yet. When we are through with the story you can say just as well as I can.

The boat on which the freedman had come was at the disposal of his master and himself. Before Hermon entered it, he took leave, with an agitated heart and open hand, of his Amalekite friends and, in spite of the mist which still obscured everything he beheld, he perceived how reluctantly the simple dwellers in the wilderness saw him depart.

They pressed around her; she saw, through the flare of yellow light, a sea of rosy faces; a vague mist of lace set with jewels; and she smiled at them while the colour deepened in her cheeks. There was music in her ears and music in her heart, and she was dancing now dancing with a tall, bronzed young fellow who held her strong and safe, and whose eyes continually sought her own.

Yet I, a lonely maiden, have might to vanquish one Till it melt as the mist of the morning before the summer sun.

Then again, in obedience to some mechanical impulse, she glanced upward; the light of the lamp was now dimly seen, like the sun through a dense mist but the dark figures were still bending over the brink of the abyss, thirty yards above. The descent was still progressing and the noise of the machinery still reached her ears, with buzzing, humming, monotonous indistinctness.

We do not love and choose the disobedience, but the thing which leads us to disobey. This is so very plain and simple a matter, that we cannot but wonder that honest men should have lost sight of it in a mist of words, and built up their theories in the dark.

I, in return, could give no permanent address, so I related my history from the beginning. 'To write to you would be the same as writing to a river, she said; and insisted that I should drop the odious name of Roy when I grew a man. My father quarrelled with Colonel Goodwin. Months after I felt as if I had only just been torn from Clara, but she stood in a mist, irrecoverably distant.