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There having rested awhile, they went not to dinner till half a dozen canzonets, each merrier than other, had been carolled by the young men and the ladies; then, water being given to their hands, the seneschal seated them all at table, according to the queen's pleasure, and the viands being brought, they all ate blithely.

It is natural enough, of course, while she has to watch the slow death of this brother, whom she has taken to worshipping with such looks of loving devoutness that I am ready to wish myself in his place. For the rest, we are a little merrier than usual.

They stopped firing too, and were to be seen appearing at the windows, rifle in hand, taking off their caps to the plucky King, whom they would not have hesitated to shoot at a minute before. I need not say that as soon as the King and his escort disappeared down a side street the fight began again, merrier than ever, and the 42nd Regiment of the line carried the monastery of St. Merri.

He imagined himself each of those bold warriors in turn, and saw himself, now a knight in mail, now a gay cavalier of Rupert's, now a bewigged Georgian gentleman in frock and pantaloons, but always with sword in hand. No name sang a merrier tune in Desmond's imagination than the name of Robert Clive. Three years before, when he was imbibing Latin, Greek, and Hebrew under Mr.

'Shall I, by ? Shall I? cried he, with a laugh of brutal scorn; 'the more the merrier, d n the doubt of it so now hold your tongue, for I promise you you shall have business enough of your own to think about, and that before long. There was an appalling ferocity in his tone and manner which no words could convey. He seemed transformed; he was actually like a man possessed.

He, too, though the father of sixteen children, dispensed with family dissensions, thus showing that "The more, the merrier," is a true saying. Edward II. came to grief from having a bad wife, Isabella of France, who made use of his son against him.

Like all blessings, the more sensibly felt from previous interruption, the squire enjoyed this restored popularity with an exhilarated sense of existence; his stout heart beat more vigorously; his stalwart step trod more lightly; his comely English face looked comelier and more English than ever, you would have been a merrier man for a week to have come within hearing of his jovial laugh.

"And I can only answer," I said, "as I did before, that we are trying to get some state of conscious experience, to enter into some activity." "Very well, then, what activity?" he inquired, catching me up sharp, as if he were afraid of Dennis interposing again. "What activity!" cried Ellis, "why all and every one as much as another, and the more the merrier." "What!"

Meantime numberless bottles of precious wine were flung into the blaze, which lapped up the contents as if it loved them, and grew, like other drunkards, the merrier and fiercer for what it quaffed. Never again will the insatiable thirst of the fire-fiend be so pampered.

"It seems hardly fair to leave you all the work to do, Evelin, when any of the rest of us can help you. I can sing a fairly good song, I flatter myself, if I am not much of a hand at the piano, and so when you feel tired I'll give you a spell." "All right," said Lance. "The more the merrier; we shall at least show them that we are no churls. Are there any more volunteers?"