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One room, where tea was to be served, was entirely draped with violet silk, from the palest to the darkest shades; and for the smaller of the two drawing-rooms the one where Mrs. Ess Kay would stand to receive her guests wire frames were made, from measurements, to fit and cover all four walls.

"Nay, then let us hurry," said Kay restlessly; "for Catesby will not be back for many hours, and we must needs find him. I will but tarry to get my cloak, and then we will to the boat." He vanished as he spoke through an open door, and Cuthbert stood looking inquisitively about him.

For though you wear Sir Kay's armor, I wot very well that you are not Sir Kay, but a great deal bigger man than ever Sir Kay is like to be." "Nay," said Sir Launcelot, "I will not do any more battle with you." And therewith he drew rein and rode away, leaving Sir Raynold standing very angry in the middle of the highway.

Ess Kay said that her cottage was, I began to understand. I wasn't sure at first sight what I did think of the great splendid houses, with mere pocket-handkerchief lawns such as people would have for suburban villas at home; but they gave me a tremendous impression of concentrated wealth.

Ordinarily, I would not have told Miss Kay to head that cat in toward me, but, then, she didn't flunk the gate back yonder, and I had a great curiosity to see if she'd flunk the cat. She didn't and" he turned toward her with beaming, prideful eyes "if I were out of debt, I wouldn't trade my friendship with a girl as game as you, Kay, for the entire San Gregorio valley. You're a trump."

"You have called me Kay," she reminded him. "Wherefore this sudden formality, Don Mike?" "My name is Miguel. You're right, Kay. Fortunately, all of my friends called on me when I was in the hospital, and at that time I took pains to remind them that my social activities would be limited for at least a year." "Two of your friends called on mother and me today, Miguel."

He now knocked at the gate with the pommel of his sword, till his host came, who started with surprise on seeing him there. "I thought you were safe a-bed," he said. "So I was. But I sprang from the window to help an old fellow of mine." When they came to the light, Kay recognized Lancelot, and fell on his knees to thank him for saving his life.

"If I thought you would not disparage me," said he, "I would sleep while I wait for my repast; and you can entertain one another with relating tales, and can obtain a flagon of mead and some meat from Kay." And the king went to sleep. And Kynon the son of Clydno asked Kay for that which Arthur had promised them. "I too will have the good tale which he promised me," said Kay.

Kay tilted her adorable nose at them. "How delightful to have one's intelligence underrated by mere men," she retorted. "Did Bill Conway indicate the direction of the tide of emigration from La Questa?" Farrel asked craftily, still unwilling to admit anything.

Kay was a little like her in the face, only his violet eyes were short-sighted and he wore glasses. Gerda was smaller, fragile and straight as a wand, with a white little face and wavy hair of pure gold, bobbed round her thin white neck. And with far-set blue eyes and a delicate cleft chin and thin straight lips.