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Twenty yards away from it, on top of the same round hill, strange fruit was hanging from a larger oak than any we had seen thereabouts fruit that swung unseemly in the tainted wind. "Turks!" announced one of Kagig's men, riding up to brag to us. "That square building is the guard-house for the zaptieh, put there by the government to keep check on robbers. They are the worst robbers!"

That castle had never been built by Crusaders; they had found it standing there, and had added to it, Norman on to Roman. The courtyard was littered with weeds that Kagig's men had slashed down, and here and there a tree had found root room and forced its way up between the rough-hewn paving stones. Animals had laired in the place, and had left their smell there together with an air of wilderness.

Why didn't you tell us that before?" Gloria seemed the most surprised, as well as the most amused, although we were all astonished. "Not tell you before? Oh do you remember Abraham in the Bible yes? She has been my best spy now and then. As Kagig's wife what good would she be?" Yet, had I not married her, I should have lost the services of most of my best spies Gregor Jhaere for one.

He is alive in Zeitoon alive alive! He is my brother! He and I love one purpose with a strong love that shall conquer! You speak to me of Lord what-is-it? Hah! To me forever he is Monty, my brother my " "Where's Miss Vanderman?" I interrupted. "Here!" she said quietly, and I turned my head to discover her sitting beside Will in the shadow cast by Kagig's lantern.

"D'you mean to say you'd consider it decent to find that young woman in the mountains and drag her to Zeitoon at Kagig's tail, when Tarsus is not more than three days' ride away at most? You know the Turks wouldn't dare touch you on the road to the coast." "For that matter," said Fred, "the Turks 'ud hardly dare touch Miss Vanderman herself." "Then leave her in the hills!" grinned Monty.

Finally, when the beautiful smooth cloth of which his coat was made bad taken on a stinking overlay of crackled black, the German chose to obey Kagig and came leaping back through the fire, and lay groaning on the floor, where the kahveh's owner's seven sons poured water on him by Kagig's order. His burns were evidently painful, but not nearly so serious as I expected.

According to Kagig it is time to go, before Turks come to take vengeance for a burned road-house. They will surely say Armenians burned it, whether or not there is a German to support their accusation!" Then we heard Kagig's high-pitched "Haide chabuk!" and picked up Peter Measel, and ran around the building to where the horses were already saddled, and squealing in fear of the flames.

"You fellows agreeable?" asked Monty. "There is no disputing Kagig's decision. We're at his mercy." "We've got to find Miss Vanderman!" said Will. "You are not at my mercy, effendi," grumbled Kagig. The man was obviously distressed. "You are rather at my discretion. I am responsible. For my nation's sake and for my honor I dare not lose you.

"She's American," said Will between purposely set lips. But I did not see that that qualified the unpleasantness by much. One of the Armenians, whom Rustum Khan had finished questioning, went and stood in Kagig's way, intercepting his everlasting sentry-go. "What is it, Eflaton?" "My wife, Kagig!" "Ah! I remember your wife. She fed me often."

One of the gipsies, who had not seen the need of hurrying to Maga's aid, now proved the soundness of his judgment by divining Kagig's purpose and tossing several new faggots on the already prodigious fire. "Good!" barked Kagig, bending the struggling German this and that way as it pleased him.