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"And no Fragoso at the end of them!" said Lina's betrothed. "That was rather a nice flower you gathered in the forest of Iquitos!" "Just behold the flower the only one in the world," said Lina quizzingly; "and, mistress! just look at the splendid plants!" And Lina pointed to the nymphaeas with their colossal leaves, whose flowers bear buds as large as cocoanuts.

"Without the slightest hesitation," replied Joam, in a firm voice; "for, I repeat it, I had no other object in leaving Iquitos to come to Manaos." This was said in such a tone of truthfulness that Judge Jarriquez experienced a kind of feeling making its way to that corner of the heart where convictions are formed, but he did not yet give in. He could hardly help being astonished.

Garral," said he, "from the day when you received me at the fazenda of Iquitos, lodged, clothed, fed in a word, took me in so hospitably I have owed you " "You owe me absolutely nothing, my friend," answered Joam, "so do not insist " "Oh, do not be alarmed!" exclaimed Fragoso, "I am not going to pay it off!

And in that minute the honest fazender of Iquitos was well repaid for all that he had suffered during the long years of exile, and if he was happy for his family's sake more than for his own, he was none the less proud for his country's sake that this supreme injustice had not been consummated! And in all this what had become of Fragoso? Well, the good-hearted fellow was covered with caresses!

The weather was splendid, the heat being tempered by the refreshing breezes which blew from off the Cordilleras, and everything invited them out for an excursion into the country. Benito and Manoel had offered to accompany Minha through the thick woods which bordered the right bank of the Amazon opposite the fazenda. It was, in a manner, a farewell visit to the charming environs of Iquitos.

In this country, moreover, the negroes coming from Benguela, the Congo, or the Gold Coast were always treated with kindness, and it was not at the fazenda of Iquitos that one would look for those sad examples of cruelty which were so frequent on foreign plantations. MANOEL WAS in love with the sister of his friend Benito, and she was in love with him.

If possible I should like to go with you up the river to the place where you will take to the bush; but I must go to Iquitos, in Peru, on the monthly launch which is due in a day or two, so all my business is in the other direction. If now I can aid in the matter of a crew " "That is what we were about to ask of you." "So. Then let us be about it.

It was in the course of this day, the 15th of October four months and a half after leaving the fazenda of Iquitos that, as they rounded a sharp bend in the river, Belem came into sight. The arrival of the jangada had been signaled for some days. The whole town knew the story of Joam Dacosta. They came forth to welcome him, and to him and his people accorded a most sympathetic reception.

In the first place at Iquitos he had invited Torres to visit the fazenda; in the second place he had brought him on board the jangada, to become a passenger on it; and in the third place, in killing him, he had annihilated the only witness whose evidence could save the condemned man.

Possessed of a secret which was doubtless given to you, you wanted to make it a means of extortion. But that is not what I want to know at present." "What is it, then?" "I want to know how you recognized Joam Dacosta in the fazenda of Iquitos?" "How I recognized him?" replied Torres. "That is my business, and I see no reason why I should tell you.