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"Unborn To-morrow, and dead Yesterday, Why fret about them, if To-day be sweet," she quoted softly. "That is clearly the motto of the week; and it looks as if every one intended to live up to it, conscientiously." Garth saw his advantage and pressed it home. "You and I among the number, eh? At least we understand one another, which is more than most of those philandering couples do.

This letter, though somewhat incomprehensible, was intended as a farewell complimentary address to myself, previous to the desertion of the flag-ship; and, had this taken place, there was no doubt that the ships' companies of the whole squadron would have followed the example, so that the Protector would have gained his ends, in spite of my endeavours to keep the men faithful to the flag under which they were engaged to serve.

Happily for the well-being of society, these exhibitions are less frequent than they formerly were. Which is the greatest sinner; he who invents scandal, or he who encourages the inventor to retail it? If there were no receivers, there would be no thieves. Ed. The terms in which this question is put, shows that the little children here intended were capable of repentance and faith.

The sound of it struck her own ear, immediately, as giving out more of her thought than she had as yet intended; but she quickly saw that she must follow it up, at any risk, with simplicity, and that what was simplest was the ease of boldness. "Make them up, I mean, by coming to see YOU?" Charlotte replied, however, without, as her friend would have phrased it, turning a hair.

De Wet was still at large, and although he had not accomplished all that he intended, he had good reason to be satisfied, and was stimulated for fresh efforts. He could boast that he was beaten not by columns but by two rivers in spate.

We had intended calling on board the whaler, to pay another visit to Captain Hudson, but the lateness of the hour compelled our return to the ship. I was much disappointed, as I hoped to see the young lady by whose appearance I had been so much struck the previous day; but I consoled myself with the expectation of being able to go on board the next morning.

It was in the form of an American eagle, with red and white stripes on the wings, and brilliant stars all over the body. From the peculiar movements of this kite, I was led to believe that it was an omen of hope for me, and that whoever held the string intended to do me a service.

The day on which we were to commence our removal was fixed upon, but before it arrived our necessities became extreme. The evening before the day on which we intended to move my mother talked much of all our misfortunes and losses, as well as of the urgent distress under which we were then labouring.

Nature had intended Lemuel Keith for a student, and then, by a strange oversight, had made him the twin-brother of a fascinating daredevil for whom the East was too narrow. Lem sat and watched Joe, and observed the progress of the dance, philosophizing over the scene in a way peculiar to himself.

Which enquiry hath given me much advantage in the knowledge of what is now under my consideration, and intended for the satisfaction of my Reader. I had also a friendship with the Reverend Dr. Usher, the late learned Archbishop of Armagh; and with Dr.