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Nature, always abhorring monotony, institutes reserves of temper as elements in the composition of the gentlest women living. Even Agnes could, on rare occasions, be angry. The nurse's view of Montbarry's character seemed to have provoked her beyond endurance. 'If you have any sense of shame in you, she broke out, 'you ought to be ashamed of what you have just said! Your ingratitude disgusts me.

The Soul's Testimony, I. Of the Resurrection of the Flesh, III. Octavius, XVIII. Against Celsus, II, 40. De Trinitate, VIII. Divine Institutes, I, 2. E.g., Irenaeus: Against Heresy, II, 9, 1; Tertullian: Against Marcion, I, 10; Origen: De Principiis, I, 3, 1; Tertullian: Apology, XVII; Lactantius: Divine Institutes, I, 2.

To condemn crimes like these, we need not talk of laws or of human rules their foulness, their deformity does not depend upon local constitutions, upon human institutes or religious creeds: they are crimes and the persons who perpetrate them are monsters who violate the primitive condition, upon which the earth was given to man they are guilty by the general verdict of human kind."

To bring nations to surrender themselves to new ideas is not the affair of a day. Comparative Theology of India; its Phase of Sorcery; its Anthropocentric Phase. VEDAISM the Contemplation of Matter, or Adoration of Nature, set forth in the Vedas and Institutes of Menu. The Universe is God. Transmutation of the World. Doctrine of Emanation. Transmigration. Absorption. Penitential Services.

I will say nothing of my own on this pressing theme, but will read to you a passage of weight and authority from the greatest master of mighty and beautiful speech. "Whoever in a state," said Milton, "knows how wisely to form the manners of men and to rule them at home and in war with excellent institutes, him in the first place, above others, I should esteem worthy of all honour.

American scientists have discovered genes linked to breast cancer and ovarian cancer and medication that stops a stroke in progress and begins to reverse its effects, and treatments that dramatically lengthen the lives of people with HIV and AIDS. Since I took office, funding for AIDS research at the National Institutes of Health has increased dramatically to $1.5 billion.

Two years ago, in one of the belligerent states, there were founded great institutes for the comparative study of the civilisations of Europe and of Asia, and to promote their mutual penetration.

"The school-master was abroad." Lord John Russell was making some tentative steps towards a system of national education. Societies, Congresses, and Institutes were springing up like mushrooms; and all enlightened people agreed that extension of knowledge was the one and all-sufficient remedy for the obvious disorders of the body politic.

Saddletree?" said Butler. "Institutes and substitutes are synonymous words, Mr. Butler, and used indifferently as such in deeds of tailzie, as you may see in Balfour's Practiques, or Dallas of St. Martin's Styles. I understand these things pretty weel, I thank God but I own I should have studied in Holland." "To comfort you, you might not have been farther forward than you are now, Mr.

That is the rule of duty God gives to the whole people, or to the minority, or to the individual, to guide them in resistance to the powers that be. It is irresistibly certain that He who ordains government has, alone, the right to alter or abolish it, that He who institutes the powers that be has, alone, the right to say when and how the people, in whole or in part, may resist.