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The real reason for the insistence on the formal promise being made to the consuls was that a list of the agitators indicated for arrest had been found by the daughter of the Greek secretary of the pasha, in which, amongst the names of the persons to be arrested, was her lover, to whom she gave the list.

Once I thought I never should speak, but then I did not see all, did not wholly see my duty towards Guilbert. It is so hard to find what is wise and just." "When the proofs are found your child shall have his rights," he said with grim insistence. "I would never let him go from me," she answered, and, leaning over, she impulsively clasped the little Guilbert in her arms.

It is certainly, therefore, just and it may be kind. Indeed, New Thought occasionally goes so far as to say that suffering is also a revelation of love and must be so accepted and entertained. Its general conclusions in this region are far more safe than its insistence upon vibration and friction and its spacious technicalities.

She forgot the threatened exile, she ignored Charles Batty's tiresome insistence that she must dance with him twice as many times as with anybody else, because he was engaged to her. 'I don't believe you can dance a bit, she cried. 'I can get round, he said. 'It's the noise of the band that upsets me jingle, jingle, bang, bang! But we can sit out when we can't bear it any longer.

Only firmness and an unflinching insistence upon our part will bring the gentlemen in Mexico City to their senses. If I were President at this moment, or acting as Secretary of State, my message to Carranza would be the following: "Release those American soldiers or take the consequences." This would ring around the world. Faithfully, TUMULTY. THE PRESIDENT, The White House.

From Hamerfest to Stavanger there was the same complaint of the same wrongs, the same quiet insistence upon the same remedy. Nor was it only the subjects of King Oscar who spoke; Norwegians settled in France, in England, or in America either hurried home to vote or sent their vigorous endorsement of the revolutionary proceedings.

Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice, What I tell you three times is true," which kept repeating themselves over and over in my brain with feverish insistence. Even the medical students had stopped their chaffing, and were studying the surroundings gravely. "There is one thing certain," said Fargeau, "anything might have happened here without the slightest chance of discovery.

The veneer of manners which he had acquired with so much trouble had worn off in a moment, and the careful speech, the rigid insistence on aspirates, to speak, took to its heels. He appeared to them suddenly, carrying an atlas. "Where the 'ell is Serbia anyway?" he demanded. "I can't find the damn place on the map!"

Throughout the island are numerous other small lakes, which we do not mention for fear of being tiresome by too much insistence on the same subject. Nevertheless there is one more particular concerning the lakes and this is the last: All of them are full of fish, and support many birds.

Raising his head, a strange, solemn note came from his lips; but the voice died away in a sharp broken sound which was more human than birdlike, which had the shrill insistence of authority. The call to him had been almost ventriloquial in its nature. His lips had not moved at all.