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"To raison, sir, I'll always listen; but not to wickedness or evil." "Will you have a glass of punch? I hope there is neither wickedness nor evil in that." "I'm afraid, sir, that girls like me have often found to their cost too much of both in it. Thank you, Masther Hycy, but I won't have it; you know I won't." "So you will stand in your own light, Nanny?"

"Keep him from marryin' Kathleen if you like, or if you can; but, if you're wise, don't injure the boy." "Why so?" asked Philip. "That's nothing to you," she replied; "for a raison I have; and mark me, I warn you not to do so or it'll be worse for you." "Why, who are we afraid of, barrin Hycy himself?"

He voted for Vanston that can't be denied; and proved himself to have less honesty and scruple than even that profligate Hycy Burke; and if he made a bargain with Vanston, as is clear he did, an' voted for him because the other got his fine reduced, why that is worse, because then he did it knowingly an' with his eyes open, an' contrary to his conscience ay, an' to his solemn promise to myself; for I'll tell you now what I never mentioned before, that I put him on his guard against doing so; and he knew that if he did, all would and must be over between him and me."

These were no other than the piercing cackles of two alarmed geese which Hogan's wife had secured from some neighboring farmer, in order to provide a supper for our friend Hycy. "Ted," said the female, "I lost my knife since I came out, or they'd be quiet enough before this; lend me one a minute, you blissed babe."

"I will, mother, but I pity you; in the meantime, I thank you, ma'am, of your advice." "Hycy," she continued, with a view of changing the conversation; "did you hear that Tom M'Bride's dead?" "No ma'am, but I expected it; when did he die?"

"D n your Gaelic!" replied Hycy "no, I won't I don't speak it." "The Laud forget you for that!" replied Ted, with a grin; "my ould grandmudher might larn it from you hach, ach, ha!" "None of your d d impertinence, Ted. I want to speak to you."

Hycy," he added, with a grin, "the birch is the only pathetic switch growing! Will you come in, sir?" "No, thank you, Mr. Finigan; but perhaps you would have the goodness to come out for a little;" and, as he spoke, he nodded towards the public-house. "I know the boys will be quiet until you return." "If they don't," replied Finigan, "the alternative is in no shape enigmatical.

On the present occasion he saluted honest Gerald with a politeness peculiarly ironical. "Mr. Cavanagh," said he, "I hope I see you in good health, sir. How are all the ladies? Hannah, the neat, and Kathleen ah, Kathleen, the divine!" "Troth, they're all very well, I thank you, Hycy; and how is yourself?" "Free from care, Mr. Cavanagh a chartered libertine."

Their neighbors and friends, in the meantime, were pouring in fast from all directions. Jemmy Burke and his wife the latter ridiculously over-dressed drove there upon their jaunting-car, which was considered a great compliment, followed soon afterwards by Hycy and Harry Clinton on horse-back.

Shall Hycy the accomplished interpose between Juno and the calf? What sayest thou, my most amiable maternal relative, and why sittest thou so silent and so sad?" "Indeed, it's no wondher I would, Hycy," replied his mother, whom Edward's return had cast into complete dejection, "when I see your father strivin' to put between his own childre'."