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The sick Hottentot died here, and we buried him with Christian honours. As his comrades said, he died because he had determined to die, an instance of that obstinate fatalism in their mulish temperament which no kind words or threats can cure.

Their cries summoned the others; and in a few moments the poor Hottentot was standing in the midst of an angry circle of chacmas, that were only prevented from springing in upon her by the expert manner in which she continued to ply the broom-stick.

Dick made several attempts to arrive at a better understanding of the nature of the communication, but without any very marked success, and at length suggested that Grosvenor should ride back to the wagon and hurry it forward, in order that Jantje, the Hottentot driver, might act as interpreter.

The Hottentot obeyed the order with evident unwillingness; indeed, the poor animal seemed to know, by the way it walked, the fate prepared for it. As it approached, the Zulus rushed forward to seize it, for they considered it rather gained by their own prowess than as a gift.

He shot me in the back!" When his treasure was quite cleaned up and wrapped securely into a number of blanket-covered parcels, he made an estimate of its value. "Four hundred pounds, or I'm a Hottentot," he concluded. "Say two hundred in quartz an' dirt that leaves two hundred pounds of gold. Bill! Wake up! Two hundred pounds of gold! Forty thousand dollars! An' it's yourn all yourn!"

I might as well be a Hottentot!" and with the "quiet and cold" look darkening over her face, she went slowly down stairs. Her father met her with a kiss and clasp of the hand even warmer than usual. "Well, General!" he said, in a voice which insisted upon being cheery, "marching orders, eh? Marching orders! Break up camp! boot, saddle, to horse and away!

The mother is most thankful and only wishes she had begun it before. Friday, December l4. There was great excitement yesterday afternoon. Word was brought in that there had been a shipwreck and that two boats were making for the island. We all ran out expecting to see a shipwrecked crew, but no boats were to be seen. We made then for Hottentot Point, and there we could see a ship in the distance.

The Caffrarian and Hottentot, the enlightened Greek and Hindoo, the remnant of the Hebrew race, the savage Malay and the voluptuous Chinese all have the wondrous narrative in their own languages. Bunyan was imprisoned by bigots and tyrants, to prevent his being heard or known; and his voice, in consequence, reaches to the ends of the earth.

"I know my point is Carlylean, but that does not invalidate it. Hero-worship is a very good thing. I am talking, not as a mere scholastic, but as a practical breeder with whom the application of Mendelian methods is an every-day commonplace." "And I am to conclude," Hancock broke in, "that a Hottentot is as good as a white man?" "Now the South speaks, Aaron," Dick retorted with a smile.

"Here," said Tant Sannie to her Hottentot maid, "I have been in this house four years, and never been up in the loft. Fatter women than I go up ladders; I will go up today and see what it is like, and put it to rights up there. You bring the little ladder and stand at the bottom."