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The smile of Felix had never been more whimsically employed than during that ten-day visit. The evening John Freeland came to dinner was the highwater mark of his alarmed amusement. Mr. Cuthcott, also bidden, at Nedda's instigation, seemed to take a mischievous delight in drawing out those two young people in face of their official uncle.

As soon as he was appointed chief, his name which signified, if I remember exactly, PRINCE BORN AMONG FLOWERS fell in abeyance, and he was dubbed instead by the expressive byword, Taipi-Kikino HIGHWATER MAN-OF-NO-ACCOUNT or, Englishing more boldly, BEGGAR ON HORSEBACK a witty and a wicked cut. A nickname in Polynesia destroys almost the memory of the original name.

Both these Forsytes, wide asunder as the poles in many respects, possessed in their different ways to a greater degree than the rest of the family that essential quality of tenacious and prudent insight into 'affairs, which is the highwater mark of their great class.

When land was made, in some safe estuary, their galleys were drawn up on shore, a convenient distance beyond highwater mark, where they formed a rude camp, watch-fires were lighted, sentinels set, and the fearless adventurers slept as soundly as if under their own roofs, in their own country. Their revels after victory, or on returning to their homes, were as boisterous as their lives.

Still, the wave broke; and, from its storm-blown top, one furious tongue surged over the breastwork and through the hedge of bayonets. It came from Armistead's brigade of stark Virginians. He led it on; and, with a few score men, reached the highwater mark of that last spring tide.

They watched him walk in silence between the tall granite pillars of the House of Justice. The behavior of this crowd was highwater mark in the development of Southern character. The structure of their society rested on the sanctity of Law. It was being put to the supreme test.

I have been informed by one correspondent who is fighting in this sternly contested area, that at one time a daily loss of ten German machines was a fair average, while highwater mark was reached, so far as his own observations and ability to glean information were concerned by the loss of 19 machines during a single day.

So many eagle-beaked noses, so many hawk-keen eyes, so many smooth-chopped, long-jowled faces, seen here together, made me think of what we are prone to regard as the highwater period of American statesmanship the Clay-Calhoun-Benton-Webster period. Just watching these men pass helped me to know better than any reading I had ever done why the English have faith and confidence in their courts.

His song died away as his eye fell upon the still swollen river, on the sheen of pools gathered where the ground was flat, on the banks of debris showing the highwater mark far up the little side valleys. "Greeting, Ngonyama!" "And to you, chief." "My brothers have not slept." The young chief's eagle-glance dwelt swiftly on the three friends. "They have looked on great trouble."

This is the City of Winnipeg. Its growth has been wonderful. It is the highwater mark of Canadian enterprise. Its chief thoroughfare, with asphalt pavement, as it runs southward and approaches the Assiniboine River, has a broad street diverging at right angles from it to the West. This is Broadway, a most commodious avenue with four boulevards neatly kept, and four lines of fine young Elm trees.