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It is not possible to give details; suffice it that their manners appear to be imitated from the dreams of ignorant and vicious children, and their debauches persevered in until energy, reason, and almost life itself are in abeyance. We used to admire exceedingly the bland and gallant manners of the chief called Taipi-Kikino.

In the second, when we came ashore upon a visit to his rival, Taipi-Kikino, it was Toma whom we saw standing at the head of the beach, a magnificent figure of a man, magnificently tattooed; and it was of Toma that we asked our question: 'Where is the chief? 'What chief? cried Toma, and turned his back on the blasphemers. Nor did he forgive us.

Our chief at Anaho was always called, he always called himself, Taipi-Kikino; and yet that was not his name, but only the wand of his false position.

It contained two men: one white, one brown and tattooed across the face with bands of blue, both in immaculate white European clothes: the resident trader, Mr. Regler, and the native chief, Taipi-Kikino. 'Captain, is it permitted to come on board? were the first words we heard among the islands.

As soon as he was appointed chief, his name which signified, if I remember exactly, PRINCE BORN AMONG FLOWERS fell in abeyance, and he was dubbed instead by the expressive byword, Taipi-Kikino HIGHWATER MAN-OF-NO-ACCOUNT or, Englishing more boldly, BEGGAR ON HORSEBACK a witty and a wicked cut. A nickname in Polynesia destroys almost the memory of the original name.