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Through the open doorway Nedda could see a large and pleasant room, whose walls seemed covered with prints of men standing in attitudes such that she was almost sure they were statesmen; and, at a table in the centre, the back of Mr. Cuthcott in a twiddly chair, surrounded by sheets of paper reposing on the floor, shining like autumn leaves on a pool of water.

The smile of Felix had never been more whimsically employed than during that ten-day visit. The evening John Freeland came to dinner was the highwater mark of his alarmed amusement. Mr. Cuthcott, also bidden, at Nedda's instigation, seemed to take a mischievous delight in drawing out those two young people in face of their official uncle.

Have you got daughters?" "Yes funny ones; older than you." "That's why you understand, then." Mr. Cuthcott smiled. "They WERE a liberal education!" And Nedda thought: 'Poor Dad, I wonder if I am! "Yes," Mr. Cuthcott murmured, "who would think a gosling would ever become a goose?" "Ah!" said Nedda eagerly, "isn't it wonderful how things grow?" She felt his eyes suddenly catch hold of hers.

She assented, not liking to confess that she did not know what Chardonnet might be, and hoping it was some kind of sherbet. She had never yet drunk wine, and after a glass felt suddenly extremely strong. "Well," said Mr. Cuthcott, and his eyes twinkled, "what's your botheration? I suppose you want to strike out for yourself. MY daughters did that without consulting me." "Oh!

The young woman looked at her surprised, as if she had broken some rule of etiquette, and answered: "No." "Then don't, please. I can see that he's too busy. I won't wait." The young woman abstractedly placed a sheet of paper in her typewriter. "Very well," she said. "Good morning!" And before Nedda reached the door she heard the click-click of the machine, reducing Mr. Cuthcott to legibility.

But how about Britto he can sometimes be very nasty, and Cuthcott's been pretty rough on him, in his rag." Clara had remembered that, and she was putting Lady Maude on one side of Cuthcott, and Moorsome on the other, so that he would be quite safe at dinner, and afterward Stanley must look out! "What have you done with Nedda?" Stanley asked.

He had not, however, heard of the strike-breakers, nor had he seen any newspaper mention of the matter; and when she had shown him the paragraph; recounted her visit to Mr. Cuthcott, and how she had wanted to take him back with her to see for himself he waited a moment, then said almost timidly: "Should I be of any use, my dear?" She flushed and squeezed his hand in silence; and he knew he would.

By a train almost sure to bring no one else came Literature in Public Affairs, alone, Henry Wiltram, whom some believed to have been the very first to have ideas about the land. He was followed in the last possible train by Cuthcott, the advanced editor, in his habitual hurry, and Lady Maude Ughtred in her beauty.

For liberty! only simple liberty not to be treated as though they had no minds or souls of their own weren't the public to know that? If they were allowed to think that it was all wanton mischief that Derek was just a mischief-maker it would be dreadful! Some one must write and make this known? Her father? But Dad might think it too personal his own relations! Mr. Cuthcott!

"He's very human," Felix added. And having found out that he lived in Gray's Inn, Nedda thought: 'I will; I'll ask him. To put her project into execution, she wrote this note: "DEAR MR. CUTHCOTT: "You were so kind as to tell me you wouldn't mind if I bothered you about things. I've got a very bothery thing to know what to do about, and I would be so glad of your advice.