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Pray, rather, that I may have leave to work out my own way; for I tell you that if condemned to stay here, I may not murmur aloud, I may go through this round of low duties as the brute turns the wheel of a mill; but my heart will prey on itself, and you shall soon write on my gravestone the epitaph of the poor poet you told us of whose true disease was the thirst of glory, 'Here lies one whose name was writ in water."

Hain't you noticed that little gravestone cough, jest the faintest in the world, and it don't come from a cold, and it hangs on. I tell you you can't cheat me, she's goin' jest as Mehitabel went, jest as Sally Ann Smith went, jest as Louisa Pearson went. I could count now on my fingers twenty girls that have gone that way. Nobody saw 'em goin' till they was gone."

Heirs of the stock in trade of two defunct parties, the Whig and Know-Nothing, do they hope to resuscitate them? or are they only like the inconsolable widows of Père la Chaise, who, with an eye to former customers, make use of the late Andsoforth's gravestone to advertise that they still carry on business at the old stand? Mr.

Many instances, however, have occurred in later years of desecration by pasturing cattle in the churchyards, and offences of this nature have been so recent that the practice cannot be said with confidence to have even now entirely ceased. But we return to the gravestones. From one cause or another it is pretty certain that for every old gravestone now to be seen twenty or more have disappeared.

Its originality is beyond all question, which can very rarely be said of an old gravestone, and, as a churchyard record of a local institution, I have never seen it equalled or approached. Under the design is the following inscription: "To the Memory of Thomas Tipper, who departed this life May y'e 14th, 1785, Aged 54 Years.

He listened so intently for a moment that life seemed suspended, and he saw neither the cool dark forest nor the silver ripple of the Hudson, but a torn and desolate land, and a gravestone at his feet. Then he passed his hand over his forehead with a long breath, and went softly into the drawing-room. Angelica sat at the piano, with her head thrown back, her long fair hair hanging to the floor.

She, in her soft feminine tones, had told him what duty had required of her, and, as she had said so she had done. Then he had stood on one side, and had remained looking on, till she had gone away and left him. She had never been his. It had not been allowed to him even to write his name, as belonging also to her, on the gravestone. But she had loved him.

In strange contrast with this Christian woman's memorial was that of an infidel whose gravestone, by his own direction, bore an avowal of his belief that the spirit within him would be extinguished like a flame, and that the nothingness whence he sprang would receive him again. Mr. Wigglesworth consulted me as to the propriety of enabling a dead man's dust to utter this dreadful creed.

Now I don't complain, but confidentially I do think it was a little shabby in my descendants to give me nothing but this old slab of a gravestone and all the more that there isn't a compliment on it. It used to have: 'GONE TO HIS JUST REWARD'

I will not go to him I am the injured and dishonored one; it is his duty to repair my wrongs. But he will not come I know it. I read it to-day in his face. The world has killed his heart; it has turned to stone in his breast a gravestone for his dear-loved Katt and for Dorris Ritter." "He will come; I say to you he will! Hear me, Dorris; you will not go to him?