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So intent was I upon this device, the purpose of which I was wholly unable to divine, that I directed the whole of my attention upon it. Then, as the Burman paused in the doorway, resting a corner of the cage upon the brilliant carpet, I glanced toward Dr. Fu-Manchu.

Invest him with all the cruel cunning of an entire Eastern race, accumulated in one giant intellect, with all the resources of science past and present, with all the resources, if you will, of a wealthy government which, however, already has denied all knowledge of his existence. Imagine that awful being, and you have a mental picture of Dr. Fu-Manchu, the yellow peril incarnate in one man."

My view of the case to date stands thus: " Eltham, having rashly decided to return to the interior of China, is warned by an official whose friendship he has won in some way to stay in England. " I know this official for one of the Yellow group represented in England by Dr. Fu-Manchu.

For my part, even if I believed the same, I should still maintain that Dr. Fu-Manchu controlled those manifestations. But reason it out for yourself and see if we arrive at any common center. Don't work so much upon the datum of the green mist, but keep to the FACTS which are established." I commenced to knock out my pipe in the ash-tray; then paused, pipe in hand.

Fu-Manchu has secret knowledge of which, so far, we know absolutely nothing; but, despite all, at last I begin to score." "You do," I agreed; "but your victory took you near to death." "I owe my life to you, Petrie," he said. "Once to your strength of arm, and once to " "Don't speak of her, Smith," I interrupted. "Dr. Fu-Manchu may have discovered the part she played! In which event "

Fu-Manchu and of the great secret society which sought to upset the balance of the world to place Europe and America beneath the scepter of Cathay. I sat with my elbows upon the writing-table, my chin in my hands; Smith restlessly paced the floor, relighting his blackened briar a dozen times in as many minutes. In the big arm-chair the pseudogypsy was curled up.

I am tempted to believe that this" he nodded towards the ghastly and sinister object upon the table "was a servant of the Chinese Doctor. In other words, we see before us one whom Fu-Manchu has rebuked for some shortcoming." I shuddered coldly.

That place where you say Fu-Manchu was visited by some Chinese mandarin; where you, Mr. Smith," and glancing in my direction "you, Doctor, were confined for a time " "Yes?" snapped Smith, attacking his egg. "Well," continued the inspector, "it is all deserted, now. There is not the slightest doubt that the Chinaman has fled to some other abode. I am certain of it.

From the depths with which it communicated proceeded vague, awesome sounds, as of waves breaking in some vast cavern.... We were more than half-way down the stair when, above the muffled roaring of the thunder, I distinctly heard the voice of Dr. Fu-Manchu! "My God!" shouted Smith, "perhaps they are trapped! The cave is only navigable at low tide and in calm weather!"

These youthful and unbalanced reformers, in conjunction with older but no less ill-balanced provincial politicians, may be said to represent Young China. Amid such turmoils as this we invariably look for, and invariably find, a Third Party. In my opinion, Dr. Fu-Manchu was one of the leaders of such a party.