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Leonard thinks over the years that his still labour has cost him, and knows that he has exhausted the richest mines of his intellect, and that long years will elapse before he can recruit that capital of ideas which is necessary to sink new shafts and bring to light fresh ore; and the deep despondency of intellect, frustrated in its highest aims, has seized him, and all he has before done is involved in failure by the defeat of the crowning effort.

The advantages which the crown may have hoped to secure by bringing representatives up to Westminster, and thus detaching them from their basis of local resistance, were frustrated by the solidarity and consistency which grew up among members of parliament; and this growing national consciousness supplanted local consciousness as the safeguard of constitutional liberty.

But I do not want to have it talked about because the many impediments which have so far frustrated my travelling schemes have made me a little superstitious. Schnorr and his wife have undertaken to sing, and the other parts will be decently filled here. Of course, this fragmentary performance ought not in the least to disturb or interfere with your original and further plans concerning this work.

The restaurant proprietor unconvincingly declared that he had no idea who'd caused it. But he'd only notified the police so he could collect insurance not from Big Jake. With a sort of morbid, frustrated gloom, Detective Sergeant Fitzgerald made the necessary notes. He put his notebook in his pocket and backed his car out of the alley.

And now, fairest of the allies of France, adieu!" The French ambassador had hardly time to make his escape, before the doors of the drawing-room were flung open, and the lackey announced, "His highness the Elector of Bavaria!" Two weeks had elapsed since that unhappy meeting between Eugene and Laura two weeks of expectation and hope frustrated.

From her earliest years it had been a family joke that poor Madam Liberality was always in ill-luck's way. It is true that she was constantly planning; and if one builds castles, one must expect a few loose stones about one's ears now and then. But, besides this, her little hopes were constantly being frustrated by fate.

I warn you that I am quite incapable of any of the proper sentiments of life." "Your gratitude would be of no value to me whatever," he assured her. She was still not wholly satisfied. His complete stolidity frustrated every effort she made to penetrate beneath the surface.

And the next time Alf took Jenny, Em had stayed at home, and thought herself sick about it, supposing that Alf and Jenny were happy and that she was unhappy, supposing they had all the fun, envying them the fun, hating them for having what she had not got, hating Jenny for monopolising Alf, hating Alf had monopolising Jenny; then, as she was a woman, hating Jenny for being a more pleasing woman than herself, and having her wounded jealousy moved into a strong craving for Alf, driven deeper and deeper into her heart by long-continued thought and frustrated desire.

Last night I heard your account of your experiences between September 1 and 9, and it made me boil anew with disappointment that my attempts to reach Huiry on September 4 were frustrated. I was disappointed enough at the time, but then my regret was tempered by the thought that you were probably safe in Paris, and I should only find an empty house at La Creste.

They are running counter to the whole stream of things, and what can be left at the end but frustrated endeavours covered with a gloomy pall? Is your life to be wasted? They are lists of those who are accepted in judgment, and of those who are not. Rev. xx. 12, 15; xxi. 27. The books of men's lives are to be opened, and also the book of life.