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The date of his starting in the memorandum-book and the distance travelled made it almost certain that, at some moment between the time when those three moons floated in the sky and the time when that cross glared on the horizon, he had fallen in the snow, never to rise again. Fifty-eight below zero and a wind blowing!

In one place I counted fifty-eight, and in another one hundred and three of these arches, some of which were fifty feet high. Our camp was a charming place: a nest of deep herbage, under two enormous fig-trees, and surrounded by a balmy grove of orange and citron.

Perkins regarded the latter school as unsurpassed by any in America in system, studiousness, good conduct, and rapid improvement. The fifty-eight village schools contained a thousand and twenty-three pupils, and were generally under evangelical teachers.

Thompson relates three cases of bee-sting, in all of which death supervened within fifteen minutes, one in a farmer of fifty-eight who was stung in the neck below the right ear; a second in an inn-keeper of fifty who was stung in the neck, and a third of a woman of sixty-four who was stung on the left brow.

"His ancestry dates back to the coming of William the Conqueror from Normandy in 1066. At this time Ralph de Pomeroy accompanied the Norman duke to England and rendered him such valuable assistance that he received from him no fewer than fifty-eight lordships in Devonshire as a reward for his services.

"Fifty-eight; and we started out early this morning with a full company," returned Pfeffer, with no little bitterness in his tones. "You will march your men in single file along this bank, and deposit your arms of all kinds on the ground," said Lieutenant Lyon.

No person acquainted with farming would for an instant assume that a small tenant could make nearly as much out of his land as the farmer of a thousand acres; but allowing for all this, 14s. 3d. per acre appeared a very low rate to the landlord of the farm of fifty-eight acres occupied for the last half-century by the Walsh family.

The publications connected with this work, number ten Annual Reports, thirteen Monographs, fifty-eight Bulletins and five Statistical Papers. In these there is a discussion of the geological structure of every state and territory, and information concerning the occurrence and production of each great metallic and mineral staple of the country.

Indeed, I may add here, that the really sensitive natures amongst men are never found under forty-five; but for genuine, uncalculating affection, for the sort of devotion that flings consequences to the winds, I say, give me fifty-eight or sixty. 'Nina, do not make me hate you, said Kate gravely. 'Certainly not, dearest, if a little hypocrisy will avert such a misfortune.

The contest for the succession which opened upon the death of the aged monarch was brief, and in fifty-eight days, the bastard Antonio, Philip's only formidable competitor, had been utterly defeated and driven forth to lurk, like 'a hunted wild beast, among rugged mountain caverns, with a price of a hundred thousand crowns upon his head.