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But we've got some of the people with us this year that used to come here when we first took farm- boarders; mother don't know that they're ever so much nicer, socially, than the people that take the fifty-dollar rooms." He laughed, and then he said, seriously: "If I ever had a son, I don't believe I should let my pride in him risk doing him mischief.

The Helena asked the reader if she had seen the "cabinet finish, hard-wood floors, and frescoed ceilings" of its fifty-dollar flats; the Asteroid affirmed that such apartments, with "six light rooms and bath, porcelain wash-tubs, electric bells, and hall-boy," as it offered for seventy-five dollars were unapproached by competition. There was a sameness in the jargon which tended to confusion. Mrs.

Will you come now and take a siesta before supper?" Dario followed him to the house, protesting at every step, and Joaquin threw open the door of one of the porch rooms. "At your service, señor everything at your service." He went to one corner of the room and kicked aside a pile of saddles, displaying a small hillock of gold in ten-and fifty-dollar slugs.

The deputy sheriff did his work thoroughly, in spite of the confidence of Donald and the distress of his mother and sister. Perhaps he would not have discovered the four fifty-dollar bills concealed in the bureau if Donald had not assisted him; but he had no help in finding a lot of notes and other papers hidden under a sill in the shop.

Can this be possible?" gasped Captain Scraggs. For answer, Mr. Gibney took out his fifty-dollar bill and handed it to to McGuffey. He never trusted Captain Scraggs with anything more valuable than a pipeful of tobacco. "Scraggsy," he said solemnly, "I'm willin' to back my imagination with my cash.

I was only too glad that Aunt Allen had not sent me another silk gown "with her best love, and, as she was only seventy, perhaps it might be useful." No, here was the fifty-dollar note, thank Plutus! But then, what to do with it? Sleeping, that was the question. Waking, that was the same. At twelve o'clock Mr. Sampson came to dine with us, and to say he was the happiest of men.

Fleda demurred, however, on that very score. But before her answer was written, another missive came from Dr. Gregory, not asking so much as demanding her presence, and enclosing a fifty-dollar bill, for which he said he would hold her responsible till she had paid him with, not her own hands, but her own lips. There was no withstanding the manner of this entreaty. Fleda packed up some of Mrs.

I made all the girls hate you, and Miss Etta, too; but it wasn't quite a lie, for I did see you take the money." "Yes," said Katie, quietly, "I did find a fifty-dollar bill in an old vest, and I suppose you saw me; but why didn't you tell me you saw it, instead of telling the girls? Then I could have explained all about it?" "I don't know," said Bertie, uneasily.

What was it that lay in the depth of her pocket, where her hand rested for greater security. What did she put away in the drawer that contained her treasures, going directly to her room for the purpose, instead of rushing first of all to the sitting-room to see if her mother were at home. Only a crisp fifty-dollar bill! Katie had never seen so much money at once before.

Rodman would pay him another instalment of the price of the Maud in a few days, and he should then be in condition to meet any demand upon him. Laud had paid him seven fifty-dollar bills, and he put them in his pocket. As he passed through the kitchen, he lighted the lantern, and returned to the shop.