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An organization so wide-spread and so numerous as that of the Fenian Brotherhood, it was not to expected that all its members, without an exception, were good men and true; yet so rarely were traitors found among its ranks, that no patriotic confraternity of its magnitude had ever, in ancient or modern times, presented so pure a record in this relation.

He successfully opposed Lord George Bentinck's proposal to preserve the Irish from famine and pauperism by undertaking the construction of railways. One of the founders of the Irish Tribune. After the complete failure of the insurrection, he escaped to the United States where he became eminent in literature and for a time head of the Fenian movement. Dramatist, orator and politician.

Amongst this latter class stood pre-eminently forward, the present President of the Fenian Brotherhood throughout the world GENERAL JOHN O'NIELL, a brief sketch of whom we introduce here for obvious reasons, drawn from authentic records in our possession, as well as from the current newspaper literature of the day: "To the Irish reader," observes a contemporary, well informed upon this subject, "and especially to that portion of our people, who are conversant with the past history of their country, and feel a patriotic pride in its glorious records, as well as a fervent hope for their renewal in the future there is no name fraught with memories more inspiring than that of O'Neill the princely house of Ulster, the champions of the Red Hand, who, for centuries, in the struggles of the nation against the Saxon invader, led the hosts of their people to victory, and only succumbed at last when poison and treachery, and chicane had accomplished what force failed to effect; for their valor was powerless against the dagger of the assassin, as were their honesty and open-heartedness against the bad faith of England's perjured tools.

In 1859 several of its members were arrested, and it seemed then to die down and disappear, but some years later it sprang up again with a new name, and the years 1866 and 1867 were signalized by the Fenian rising, or to put it with less dignity, the Fenian scare.

Lord Roberts' Forty-one Years in India, i. 94. Ibid. p. 431. Contemporary Review, May 1897. Article by William O'Brien, 'Was Fenianism ever Formidable? Roche's Life of John Boyle O'Reilly, with introduction by Cardinal Gibbons. Lecky's criticism I did not know that Mr. O'Reilly had ever been a Fenian or a British soldier, or that he had tried to seduce other soldiers from their allegiance.

Then he was took with this fever "His name was Fergus O'Conor and he always said he was descended from the real old Irish Kings, and he was some kind of a Fenian. I mean he used to go on something terrible against the English, and say he would never rest till they were drove out of Ireland. When he got well again he was that handsome well I've never seen any one like him, unless it's you.

The men who have failed in literature and art." The lodge-gate of Belmont was opening as Lothair one morning approached it; a Hansom cab came forth, and in it was a person whose countenance was strongly marked on the memory of Lothair. It was that of his unknown friend at the Fenian meeting.

'There's the more reason that a justice shouldn't harbour a Fenian, miss, said he boldly; 'as he'll know when he sees the search-warrant. 'Get ready the carriage, Larry, said she, turning contemptuously away, 'and follow me towards the village. 'The sergeant, miss, would like to say a word or two, said Gill, in his accustomed voice of servility.

But the real hope of success lay in the prospect of a war between America and England, which at one time seemed imminent, and justified the action of the Fenian chiefs in their preparations. It was, however, the very existence of Fenianism which, more than any other cause, prevented war. For none knew better than far-seeing statesmen like Mr.

They came on us in the tent about three o'clock this morning, or at least an advance guard did, and after talking of shooting us where we stood they marched us to the Fenian camp instead. Yates got a pass, written by the Fenian general, so that we should not be troubled again. That is the precious document which this man thinks is deadly evidence.