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This dear lamb is in better keeping than yours. Heavy, grievous, was the loss, crushing the grief; but it was such as to be at its softest and sweetest at Easter, amid the Resurrection joys, and the budding flowers, though Ella's bitterest fit of weeping was excited by there being no primroses the primroses that Minna loved so much; and her first pleasurable thought was to sit down and write to her dear 'Mr.

"Yes," admitted Mara coldly, "I reckon he's one who would have his own way without much regard for others." "He may slip up for once. Miss Ainsley struck me as a girl who would have her way, no matter how many hearts she fractured." Aun' Sheba and Vilet now entered, diverting Ella's thoughts. The old woman sat down rather wearily, a look of deep dejection on her face.

I was deeply affected by this and frequent other evidences of the warmth and strength of Ella's attachment to me, and of the confiding frankness with which she revealed it; and I believe most conscientiously that the greatest gratification I derived from the discovery of the treasure arose from a knowledge of the extended power it would bestow upon me to contribute to her happiness.

Ella's fair face had become like the purest marble in its whiteness, but the hot tears had ceased to flow, and the bosom which had heaved convulsively with anguish was now so still that the girl scarcely seemed to breathe at all. Captain Bodine, Mara, and old Hannah were the watchers. Mara now, for the first time, observed how white the veteran's iron-gray hair had become.

"Ah! good-morning, Mrs. Gaston! Good-morning!" said that personage, with a broad, good-natured smile. "How is Ella?" "She seems very poorly, Mrs. Grubb. I begin to feel troubled about her. She complains of a sore throat this morning, and you know the scarlet fever is all about now." "Oh, no! never fear that, Mrs. Gaston. Ella's not down with the scarlet fever, I know." "I trust not.

Her hair it was of the darkest brown and was very plentiful was also glittering with gems under the light that flowed through the open door. The same light showed Phyllis how deathly white Ella's face and neck were how tumultuously her bosom was heaving.

The mere idea was alarming to George, and he remonstrated as far as he dared; but Ella remained firm, and he grew desperate. He might have spared himself the trouble. About the middle of June Ella's aunt who, of course, had had to leave the Riviera grew tired of travelling, and Ella, to George's intense satisfaction, returned to her mother's house in Linden Gardens, Notting Hill.

On we sped, and again came another flight of arrows, one of which pierced me in the fleshy part of the thigh, whilst two passed through Ella's flowing skirts, but happily without doing the dear girl any injury.

Tagart's, but propose going to-morrow to Ella's, and thence to Washington's, which will consume Wednesday and Thursday. If not obliged to return here, which I cannot tell till this evening or to-morrow morning, I will then go to Washington, where I shall be obliged to spend a day or two, and thence to Alexandria, so I shall not be able to return to Lexington till the last of next week.

No one knew who placed it there, or whence it came. Gently Mary laid back the thin muslin covering, saying as she did so, "Allie is dead. I've got no sister left but you!" and again her arms closed convulsively about Ella's neck. "You kind of choke me!" said Ella, trying to get free, and it was not until Mrs.