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Edmonds set down his pipe. "What did you think of that?" "A masterpiece of hinting and suggestion and information for those who can read between the lines. Not many have the eye for it. With me you won't have to write between the lines. Not on labor or political questions, anyway. You're a Socialist, aren't you?" "Yes. You're not going to make The Patriot a Socialist paper, are you?"

"Probably he thinks his side will win, under the strict rules of the game." "Of course. But if he didn't, he'd still be for fair play, to the last inch." "That's a pretty fine thing to say of a man, Pop." "It's a pretty fine man," said Edmonds. "What does Enderby want? What is he after?" "For himself? Nothing. It's something to be known as the ablest honest lawyer in New York.

"Why I don't see any reason why you and your sisters shouldn't be together," Miss Penfield answered when Rosemary asked her about Sarah and Shirley. "Hop in here, and you'll be placed and may not have to move." But just before the trucks were ready to start, Nina Edmonds and Fannie Mears hurried up. They tried to climb into the truck where Rosemary sat.

"Probably not. Park Row is too deadly conventional." One might suppose that the environment of religious journalism would be equally conventional. Yet it was from this department that the "find" eventually came, conducted by Edmonds.

He wore a white shirt and store clothes, which was distinctly unusual in case of a Western farmer at harvest time, and Edmonds, the mortgage jobber, leaned back in a big chair quietly watching him. The latter had, as it happened, called at a singularly inconvenient time, and Hawtrey was anxious to get rid of him before the guests he expected arrived.

Alexander, M.D., president; Thomas Polk, Abraham Alexander, Thomas Neal, Waightstill Avery, Ephraim Brevard, John Simpson, John McKnitt Alexander, Adlai Osborn, and the Rev. Messrs. David Caldwell, James Edmonds, Thomas Reese, Samuel E. McCorkle, Thomas H. McCaule and James Hall. The Academy received no funds or endowment from the State, and no further patronage than this charter.

I picked up the book in German on an Ann Street sidewalk stand, caught the Big Idea right then and there; to Americanize the stuff and " "For 'Americanize, read 'steal," commented Edmonds. "There ain't no thin' crooked in this," protested the other with sincerity. "The stuff ain't copyrighted here. I looked that up particularly." "Quite true, I believe," confirmed Severance.

To the last he reported that all the mighty preparations then nearly completed "might evaporate in smoke" if the Princess of Conde should come back. Every ambassador in Paris was baffled. Peter Pecquius was as much in the dark as Don Inigo de Cardenas, as Ubaldini or Edmonds.

Over and above which Tertius is no fool, himself. You may have noticed that." "It's bothered me from time to time," admitted the other dryly. "It'll bother both of us more, presently," prophesied Edmonds. "Then I've been playing direct into Marrineal's hands in attacking Laird on the franchise matter." "Yes. Keep on." "Strange advice from you, Pop. You think my position on that is wrong."

"Underneath all his appearance of candor, Marrineal's a secret animal," said Edmonds. "Does he leave you a free hand with your editorials, Ban?" inquired the outsider. "Absolutely." "Watches the circulation only," said Edmonds. "Thus far," he added. "You're looking for an ulterior motive, then," interpreted Miss Van Arsdale.