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Talleyrand's tactics were now changed, and he endeavored by various attempts to induce Pinckney and Marshall, who were federalists, voluntarily to relinquish their station, and leave negotiations with Gerry, who belonged to the republican party, and was supposed to sympathize with the French Directory. In this the wily diplomat did not succeed.

"She has forgiven you, I think. You must be very kind to her." "Kind to her? Kind! Why, Gertie, I never meant to be anything else. I wouldn't have " "Of course you wouldn't. Oh, Daddy, if you weren't the very worst diplomat in all this world this wouldn't have happened. Why didn't you tell me all about it? Why didn't you write me the truth long, long ago? If I had only come sooner!

John Hay, the polished diplomat, who had been private secretary to Abraham Lincoln, wrote about Roosevelt in his diary. November 28, 1904: I read the President's message in the afternoon. ... Made several suggestions as to changes and omissions. The President came in just as I had finished and we went over the matter together.

And yet it was indeed Ladany; it was the same clear eye which had once commanded his legion with a single look; but the eye was often veiled now beneath a lowered eyelid, and only now and then did a glance shoot forth which seemed to penetrate a man's most secret thoughts. The soldier had become the diplomat. "I had forgotten that thirty years have passed!" thought Varhely, a little saddened.

"Can't you see the boys when I tell them they will have to walk around the block while Grace gets her beauty sleep. Oh! oh!" and even Grace had to laugh at the picture. "They probably wouldn't wait anyway," Betty continued, with the tact of a diplomat. "They would go on to The Shadows and let you follow later at your leisure.

The position of private secretary to a tropical president is a responsible one. He must be a diplomat, a spy, a ruler of men, a body-guard to his chief, and a smeller-out of plots and nascent revolutions. Often he is the power behind the throne, the dictator of policy; and a president chooses him with a dozen times the care with which he selects a matrimonial mate.

A few already enjoyed world-wide fame, notably Doctor Franklin, possibly the most versatile genius of the eighteenth century and universally known and honoured as a scientist, philosopher, and diplomat, and George Washington, whose fame, even at that day, had filled the world with the noble purity of his character.

Say," he went on, "I've come home to make this house really yours, and to give you the right of asking what I'm doing around here. You've won all your points pomp, ceremony, big wedding, all the fuss, mater's blessing. The mater is just daffy about you ought to see her letters. You're a winner, you're a great little diplomat, and I'm proud of you too.

"Oh, well, she doesn't look as brilliant as she did when you were with her. But isn't that natural? I wonder why Nancy asked Lee Linburne and where is that silly little wife of his. Oh, don't go, Max. It's only the St. Anna attaché; we met him on the coast last summer." But Riatt insisted on making way for the South American diplomat, who was standing courteously in the back of the box.

"The most Holy Father of Rome hath of late been prejudiced against the King my husband and I sought for one who might give me counsel, unprejudiced." If she had been a wily diplomat she could not better have wielded the prior's mood than by this unconscious utterance. "So help me God, I will strive to help thee in counsel," he answered fervently.