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"Let's have a game at billiards," one of his friends said the tall one, with lacquered mustachios. "No, dammy; no, Captain," Jos replied, rather alarmed. "No billiards to-day, Crawley, my boy; yesterday was enough." "You play very well," said Crawley, laughing. "Don't he, Osborne? How well he made that-five stroke, eh?" "Famous," Osborne said.

"Your sisters must be young women now," Rebecca said, thinking of those girls for the first time perhaps since she had left them. "Don't know, I'm shaw," replied the Colonel. "Hullo! here's old Mother Lock. How-dy-do, Mrs. Lock? Remember me, don't you? Master Rawdon, hey? Dammy how those old women last; she was a hundred when I was a boy." They were going through the lodge-gates kept by old Mrs.

"He ain't got distangy manners, dammy," Bragg observed to his first mate; "he wouldn't do at Government House, Roper, where his Lordship and Lady William was as kind to me, and shook hands with me before the whole company, and asking me at dinner to take beer with him, before the Commander-in-Chief himself; he ain't got manners, but there's something about him " And thus Captain Bragg showed that he possessed discrimination as a man, as well as ability as a commander.

And he'll drown me with him, too! Dammy, they'll say that I'm in with him. But I'm not! Curse me if I am. I'm neutral neither rebel nor Tory and I'll let 'em know it, too; only desiring quiet and peace and a fair word for all. Damnation!"

Joints stiffenin'. Come an' sit down and hear the words of wisdom of your old Uncle Dammiculs, the Wise Man of Monksmead." "Come off it, Dammy. Lazy little beast. Fat little brute," commented the lady. As Damocles de Warrenne was six feet two inches high, and twelve stone of iron-hard muscle, the insults fell but lightly upon him. "I will, though," she continued.

You'll be a baronet; it's three thousand a year: dammy, on my knees, there, I beg of you, don't do this." And the old man actually sank down on his knees, and seizing one of Arthur's hands, looked up piteously at him. It was cruel to remark the shaking hands, the wrinkled and quivering face, the old eyes weeping and winking, the broken voice. "Ah, sir," said Arthur, with a groan.

"Come back!" roared Sir Lupus, standing straight up in his ponderous stirrups. "Come back, you little vixen! Am I to be obeyed, or am I not? Baggage! Undutiful tree-cat! Dammy, she's off!" He looked at me and smote his fat thigh with open hand. "Did you ever see the like of her!" he chuckled, in his pride. "She's a Dutch Varick for obstinacy, but the rest is Ormond all Ormond.

She can't help being a coquette, Mr. Pendennis, she can't help it. Dammy, sir! I'll be bound to say, that two or three of the Bartholomew chaps, that I've brought into my place, are sitting with her now: even Jack Linton, that I took down as my best man, is as bad as the rest, and she will go on singing and making eyes at him.

The prisoner figure toppled back against Adam's breast and the mouth opened hideously. The lean legs bent. "You squeezed him too tight, Dammy. He's fainted. Lay him down." Adam let the figure slide to the floor. It rose in a whirl of blue linen. Mrs. Egg rocked on the chest. The man thrust something at Adam's middle and said in a rasp, "Get your arms up!"

A public-house, thought Morgan me in a public-house! the old fool! Dammy, if I was ten years younger I'd set in Parlyment before I died, that I would. "No, thank you kindly, sir. I don't think of the public line, sir. And I've got my little savings pretty well put out, sir." "You do a little in the discounting way, eh, Morgan?"