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David's answer was by no means effusive, for he had learned how little Saul's regrets were to be trusted. He takes no notice of the honeyed words of invitation to return, and will not this time venture to take back the spear and cruse, as he had done, on the previous occasion, the skirt of Saul's robe.

"Then a sober husband, a sober wife, and a girl at work and they are still at it for I got the man a job as night-watchman in the custom-house, at Father Cruse's request." Felix started forward. "You surely don't mean Father Cruse of St. Barnabas's?" he exclaimed eagerly. "Exactly." "Was it he who burst in that door?"

If God didn't clean His own slate once in a while and forgive us, none of us would ever get to heaven. Hush! Quiet now! Somebody's just come into the office. I'll not let any one in to disturb ye. Stay where ye are till I see. I hear a voice. WHAT! Well, as I'm alive, it's Father Cruse what's he come for at this hour? Shall I let him in?"

"Elizabeth Maclure, sir, a poor widow," was the reply. "Can you lodge a stranger for a night?" "I can, sir, if he will be pleased with the widow's cake and the widow's cruse." "I have been a soldier, good dame," answered Morton, "and nothing can come amiss to me in the way of entertainment." "A sodger, sir?" said the old woman, with a sigh, "God send ye a better trade!"

So he restrained his eagerness; but that it might appear to have been in his power to have killed him when he refrained from it, he took his spear, and the cruse of water which stood by Saul as he lay asleep, without being perceived by any in the camp, who were all asleep, and went securely away, having performed every thing among the king's attendants that the opportunity afforded, and his boldness encouraged him to do.

And she loved him with a melancholy love, for he was the likeness of the lost. And the son died. The reed on which she leaned was broken, the oil was dried up in the widow's cruse. They bore the dead upon his bier; and near the gate of the city, where the crowd were gathered, there came a silence over the sounds of woe, for the Son of God was passing by.

The sound of the turnkey's hand on the lock roused her to consciousness. "Bring her outside where I can talk to her," said Father Cruse, pointing to a bench in the corridor. She followed the guard mechanically, as a whipped spaniel follows its master, her steps dragging, her body trembling, her head bowed as if awaiting some new humiliation. She had no strength to resist.

Harding, of Kentucky, made a violent political speech, ostensibly in opposition to the measure before the House. The following is an extract from his remarks: "The Republican party have manufactured a large amount of capital out of the negro question. First they began with caution, now they draw on it as if they thought it as inexhaustible as were the widow's barrel of meal and cruse of oil.

I found out some months ago that ye were Sir Felix O'Day, but ye never heard me blab it to any livin' soul, nor did John either not even to Father Cruse. I've watched ye go in and out all these months, and many a night, tired as I was, I didn't get to sleep, worryin' about ye until I'd heard ye shut yer door. Ye said nothin' to me and I could say nothin' to ye.

"Elizabeth Maclure, sir, a poor widow," was the reply. "Can you lodge a stranger for a night?" "I can, sir, if he will be pleased with the widow's cake and the widow's cruse." "I have been a soldier, good dame," answered Morton, "and nothing can come amiss to me in the way of entertainment." "A sodger, sir?" said the old woman, with a sigh, "God send ye a better trade!"