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He had no great command of language, but he stirred the hearts of the people, because he told a simple story, which, while from the standpoint of the cold critic it might appear unconvincing, was, when listened to by patriotic Englishmen, full of appeal and power. He drew two pictures, and although he did it crudely he did it well. He described first a meeting of Cabinet Ministers in Whitehall.

It had not been rented since, partially on account of the fact that Hardy's fate had cast an evil shadow upon it. Garrison lost no time in his search. He followed his theory. It led him straight to the fireplace, with its crudely painted board, built to occupy its opening. Behind this, he felt, should be the will. The board was stuck. Mrs.

At varying intervals, particularly in its more difficult stages, it is marked by small pyramids of stones, and by crosses cut crudely in the rock.

The benevolence of a benefactor ought indeed to be esteemed, but not because it benefited me. A benefactor ought to be esteemed as much by another as by me, solely because he benefited a human being. Gratitude, in short, has no place in justice or virtue, and reason declines to recognise the private affections. Such, crudely stated, is Godwin's famous doctrine of "universal benevolence."

The boy ran off, and returned quickly with a large sheepskin on which he had drawn in colors a really fine design: four angels in attitudes of worship, with uplifted hands, and eyes that expressed, crudely yet well, the wonder that the Holy Ones might well feel at the Miracle of the Manger. "Ah, and did you really draw this?" asked the priest.

And, above all, if the idea be put a little more crudely and definitely than it occurred in his thoughts, he awoke to the realization that his wife was an asset he had hitherto utterly neglected. One never could tell what a woman would do in these days. Les sacrees femmes. We are indebted to Honora for this view of her husband's mental processes.

The three-column scare-head over their bitterly partisan "story" ran thus: POOR BOY KICKED OUT BY PRESIDENT WEST Close beside this, lest the reader should fail to grasp the full meaning of the boldface, was a three-column cartoon, crudely drawn but adroit enough.

The center of the third was beyond doubt a crudely cut diamond of about two carats weight. Lucile turned it over and over in her palm. "Why, the poor fellow," she murmured. "He's given us a king's ransom for a few trinkets and a little food! And I thought he was stealing," she reproached herself. Her first instinct was to attempt to call him back.

It was on the tip of my tongue, I remember, to ask my father why he did not send to the bank and ask for more money; and by that may be gauged the crudely unsophisticated stage of my development.

It is January, January without its coat of white, January as green as the tender gourd. There are a dozen graves or more on Cape Sunrise; Betty Cruise no longer lies alone out on the windswept point. Crudely chiseled on the rough headstones are names that have not been mentioned in this chronicle, still not the less enduring.