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Don't you remember how I nursed you through one of your bad colds at school?" "Yes, indeed. I wish you could have nursed me now; but mamma was afraid that I had caught measles or scarlet fever or something, and she said it would not be right to send for you." Janetta was almost pained by the accent of continued excuse.

Boswell has embalmed for us, in the amber of his matchless biography, the fact that it had been noted, even in those days, that the inhabitants of one of the Faroe Islands never had colds in the head except on the rare occasions when a ship would touch there usually not oftener than once a year. Then, within a week, half the population would be blowing and sneezing.

The young physician was among their guests; and Miss Carlton managed some way or other to claim his attention most of the evening. There was the usual amount of small talk, common to such occasions; about the usual number of young ladies were invited to sing and play, and, as usual, they were either out of practice or were afflicted with "bad colds."

He must have had an exceptionally strong constitution, for when his financial conditions compelled him to practice the most stringent economy, he tried to do without underclothing, and finally even without stockings. In these experiments he succeeded; and in winter he went without an overcoat; yet without being troubled by colds or other bodily ills.

Why didn't Emily come up here where she could see, instead of fussing about lunch. He missed her at that moment missed her! Through the bare branches of the plane-trees he could just see the procession, could see the hats coming off the people's heads a lot of them would catch colds, he shouldn't wonder! A voice behind him said: "You've got a capital view here, James!"

"'And we, said Da-hin-da the Bull Frog, 'will afflict men with colds and coughs, which shall make them weak and short of breath. "'We, the birds, declared E-kes-ke the Blue Jay, 'will afflict them with sores and diseases of the skin. "And so it went on. Each of the tribes of the wild folk agreed to afflict mankind with some sort of sickness.

This public award made us both jump, and colour up too, for there were a lot of ladies and gentlemen and young ladies close at hand, all of whom must have distinctly heard the Henniker's genial observation. However, I was most curious to hear more of Smith. Flanagan and I both had colds the rest of the way and finished our conversation behind our handkerchiefs.

This leaf, as the name denotes, is of a remarkably cold quality. It is applied to the forehead to cure the headache, and sometimes to the body in fevers. Turmeric, also, mixed with rice reduced to powder and then formed into a paste, is much used outwardly in cases of colds and pains in the bones; and chunam or quick-lime is likewise commonly rubbed on parts of the body affected with pain.

The Countess hears fragments of what he is saying. He speaks of my Lord's constitution, probably weakened in India of a cold which my Lord has caught two or three days since of the remarkable manner in which such slight things as colds sometimes end in serious illness and death. 'He observes that the Countess is listening to him, and asks if she has anything to propose.

He said there had been no sign of it so far. Three times a week they were inspected by women doctors appointed by the Government, and any little disorder was attended to at once. But not one had been ill a day. Those that had suffered from chronic dyspepsia, colds, and tubercular tendency were now as strong as if they had lived their lives on farms.