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And when we are satisfied with God, we shall 'have learnt in whatsoever state we are, therewith to be self-sufficing. But, as I say, the highest desires are neglected, and the lowest are cockered and pampered, and so the taste is depraved.

Speak, friar! canst thou yet do aught for us? and if not, thinkest thou it is the right hour to yield and fly?" "Daughter," said the friar, whose terror might have moved pity, "as I said before, thank yourself. This Warner, this in short, the lesser magician hath been aided and cockered to countervail the greater, as I forewarned. Fly! run! fly!

Speak, friar! canst thou yet do aught for us? and if not, thinkest thou it is the right hour to yield and fly?" "Daughter," said the friar, whose terror might have moved pity, "as I said before, thank yourself. This Warner, this in short, the lesser magician hath been aided and cockered to countervail the greater, as I forewarned. Fly! run! fly!

And yet how thoroughly he has caught the note that catches a public who think with their boots and read with their elbows! The cold-blooded insolence of the work almost saves it; but he mustn't go on with this. Hasn't he been praised and cockered up too much? You know these people here have no sense of proportion.

But the adversaries did not come from up the road as they had advertised they would. That declaration on their part had been a trick and device, cockered up in the hope of taking the foe by surprise and from the rear.

However, one evening when Bernard had been fretful and in pain, the Baron had growled out that the child was cockered beyond all bearing, and the mother had flown out at the unnatural father, and on his half laughing at her doting ways, had actually rushed across with clenched fist to box his ears; he had muttered that the pining brat and shrewish dame made the house no place for him, and wandered out to the society of his horses.

If she was a lady she'd be cockered up with all sorts of soups and jellies, and nice things, just the minute she fancied 'em, and lie on a water bed instead of the bare floor and so she ought; but where's the parish'll do that? And the hospital wouldn't take her in because she was incurable; and, besides, the old'un wouldn't let her go nor into the union neither.

He's mighty thick with Parson Dale, and your honour knows as how the parson set his face agin the stocks. Wait a bit, sir, don't fly at me yet. There be a boy in this here parish " "A boy! ah, fool, now you are nearer the mark. The parson write 'Damn the stocks, indeed! What boy do you mean?" "And that boy be cockered up much by Mr.

His children were neither cockered nor held in too strait a discipline; they learnt from their parents that laughter was better than sighing, that it was good to be generous, that they had superiors in the world as well as inferiors, that hard work was the saving grace, and a lie the accursed thing. This training seemed to agree with them, for one and all were pictures of health.

Dreamed indeed I have, and that right lustily; but I could take along with me no more thereof that I did goodly understand save only that I in my vision had a pretty, fair, young, gallant, handsome woman, who no less lovingly and kindly treated and entertained me, hugged, cherished, cockered, dandled, and made much of me, as if I had been another neat dilly-darling minion, like Adonis.