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Suddenly he wished that he had, tucked away in his blouse, a picture of a clear-eyed, round-cheeked vice-president of a pleasure club. He took out his mother's picture and showed it. "Oh, yeh," said the boy, disinterestedly. The dragging weeks came to an end. The night of Tyler's restlessness was the last night of quarantine. To-morrow morning they would be free.

Like most writers, David Cairns was intensely interesting to himself. His sudden reversal from bleak self-complacence to a clear-eyed view of his questionable approaches to real worth, was strong with bitterness, but deeply absorbing. He was remarkable in his capacity to follow this opening of his own insignificance.

Three or four maids stood at the door. He asked no question, but went in, a dreadful fear at his heart. Two of the sisters and Dr. Gow stood by the bed. Ericson lay upon it, clear-eyed, and still. His cheek was flushed. The doctor looked round as Robert entered. 'Robert, he said, 'you must keep your friend here quiet. He's broken a blood-vessel walked too much, I suppose.

Autumns, clear-eyed and sweet-breathed, faded wanly in the smoke of their forest fires. Winters sidled by with constant threat of arctic weather which somehow never came; powdering the hills with their snow; making bitter cold the shadows, and warm the silver-like sun. Another spring was at hand.

That motive she alone, of all the women in the world, might have supplied, he told himself in keen self-pity. With her love to arm him, her clear-eyed faith to inspire him.... He sat up straight and pushed the cup of bitter herbs aside. There would be time enough to drain it farther on.

It is often a characteristic of weakness that it clings to strength. Bob would have given much for the respect and friendship of these clear-eyed, weather-beaten men. To know that he had forfeited these cut deep into his soul. The clerk that waited on him at the store joked gayly with two cowboys lounging on the counter, but he was very distantly polite to Dillon.

His experience thus far had not been enriched by many intimacies with clear-eyed young women who calmly defined the larger humanities for him. "I'm afraid I don't quite understand your point of view," he demurred. "Don't you? I'm not sure that I can explain just what I mean.

But her whisper had offended me, had hurt something infinitely deep, infinitely subtle and infinitely clear-eyed in my nature. I said after her from the couch on which I had remained, “Don’t lose your composure. You will always have some sort of bell at hand.” I saw her shrug her uncovered shoulders impatiently.

She learned to look upon danger clear-eyed and with understanding, losing forever that panic fear which is bred of ignorance and which afflicts the city-reared, making them as silly as silly horses, so that they await fate in frozen horror instead of grappling with it, or stampede in blind self-destroying terror which clutters the way with their crushed carcasses.

He saw his "bunkie" of the night before, the man who was trying so hard to die and couldn't, he saw him plunging along with the throng, pale but valiant, ferociously glaring at every one who smoked. A small group of American nurses, some young and pretty, others young and homely, but all of them sprightly and clear-eyed, nine of them, in fact tramped by in "columns of three."