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'But if de victor bows, he said, dropping on one knee before her. 'If force lay down his spoils at de feet of beauty? The circle round them applauded hotly, the touch of theatricality finding immediate response. Langham was remorselessly conscious of the man's absurd chevelure and ill-fitting clothes. But Rose herself had evidently nothing but relish for the score.

Josephine had been perfuming my hair, and I was sitting reading at my toilette; the door of my dressing-room happened to be half open; L was crossing the gallery, and as he passed I suppose his eye was caught by my hair, or perhaps he paused a moment, I am not certain how it was my eyes were on my book. "Ah! vous avez raison, monsieur, c'est la plus belle chevelure!

My novel lay with my rug and walking-stick on the sofa, and I did not care if the heroine and the hero were both drowned together in the water barrel that I saw in the inn-yard under my window. That dark-brown chevelure, with a natural curl, is now represented by a few dozen perfectly white hairs, and its place a smooth, bald, pink head knows it no more. But let us forget these mortifications.

This is an interesting peculiarity of Scotch scenery; civilization sapping the barbarism of the wilderness; wheat-fields mordant biting in upon peaty moorlands, or climbing to the tops of cold, bald mountains, shearing off their thorny locks of heather and covering them with the well-dressed chevelure of yellow grain.

Laura made herself very much at home with her Parisian acquaintance; and in the grand house in the Rue Lepelletier many a glass was turned full upon the beautiful English bride with the chevelure dore and the violet blue eyes. One morning Laura told her husband, with a gay laugh, that she was going to victimize him; but he was to promise to be patient and bear with her for once in a way.

The next day, she got out of bed, as soon as it dawned; but feeling even no inclination to comb her chevelure or perform her ablutions, she carelessly adjusted her clothes and came out of the garden to see her mother. As luck would have it, she encountered Tai-yue standing alone under the shade of the trees, who inquired of her: "Where she was off to?" "I'm going home," Hsueeh Pao-ch'ai replied.

Clarence Hervey acknowledged he had lost his bet, joined in the laugh, and declared that fifty guineas was too little to pay for the sight of the finest hair that he had ever beheld. "I declare he deserves a lock of la belle chevelure for that speech, Miss Portman," cried Lady Delacour; "I'll appeal to all the world Mad. de Pomenars must have a lock to measure with Mad. de Grignan's?

There, if I show my bow ready for action, the ghosts of the monsters I have slain will be frightened, at least. Zeus. Oh, splendid! 'Thine own lips testify against thee, says the book; you would have saved Damis some trouble by putting this in his mouth. But who is this breathless messenger? Bronze a nice clean figure and outline chevelure rather out of date.

Imagine a yellow rock, of gigantic height, terminating in a point, with its sides full of fissures, holes, and crevices, inhabited by crows, owls, and bats, having its base in the river and its summit crowned with a rough chevelure of brambles and large creeping plants. The lower part of this rock is intersected by holes, through which the water rushes, tumbles, and whirls.

The evening tints of life have fallen upon her; but the dear remembrance of a first love, that never grew cold, makes her beauty changeless for me. As for your humble servant, he is considerably her senior, and looks it: time has stolen away his raven locks, and given him a chevelure of snow instead.