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"I have been to the bridge over the moat, near Castleman's House under the Wall," he answered. "What did you there?" I asked, seeing his willingness to be questioned. "I stood there I I " He paused, laughed, and stammered on. "I looked at the castle and at the moat, like a silly fool, and and " "Castleman's house?" I suggested, helping him out.

Drew could not see what his age had to do with Kirby's disappearance, but he answered truthfully: "Nineteen I had a birthday a week ago, suh." "And you volunteered when ?" "In May of '62, suh. I was in Captain Castleman's company when they joined General Morgan Company D, Second Kentucky. Then I transferred to the scouts under Captain Quirk." "The big raids ... you were in Ohio, Rennie? Captured?"

The pavilion for the duke and the other spectators was built at the west side of the false lists a strip of ground ten feet wide, extending entirely around the true lists, but separated from it by a barrier or railing three feet high. It was an hour after we left Castleman's house before Max and I entered the false lists.

We left the terms to him, and he suggested a compensation far greater than we should have asked. The sum we received from Franz, together with that which we should get from Castleman, would place us beyond want for a year to come. Surely luck was with us. After Castleman's arrival our meals were served in our room, and we saw little of him or of Franz for a week or more.

These dark houses showed no signs of life, but surely the Yankees were not so confident that they would not have any pickets posted. And Fort Clay had its garrison.... Then that ominous silence was broken by Castleman's call: "Bearer of flag of truce!" "... Morgan's men?" A woman called from a window up ahead, her voice so low pitched Drew heard only a word or two.

Castleman plied his knife industriously; Yolanda nibbled at a piece of meat between her dainty fingers, and Twonette gazed serenely out of the open window. Yolanda's words and Castleman's constraint filled me with wonder. There was to me a mystery about this little beauty that had not been touched on by my friend from Peronne. I hoped to gain information on the point by inducing Yolanda to talk.

"No," said Max, turning on me. A moment later he added, "If Yolanda were but the princess, as I once believed she was, what a romance our journey to Burgundy would make!" My spirits were somewhat dampened by Castleman's words concerning the French king. Surely they were true, since King Louis was the last man in Europe to forego the opportunity presented by the death of Charles.

Less than a week later, on August 19, Mosby was in the valley again with 250 men, dividing his force into several parties after crossing the river at Castleman's Ford. Richards, with "B" Company, set off toward Charlestown. Mosby himself took "A" toward Harper's Ferry on an uneventful trip during which the only enemies he encountered were a couple of stragglers caught pillaging a springhouse.

One of our squires led the charger, carefully trapped, to the lists, which had been built in an open field outside the town, west of the castle. Max and I, accompanied by Hymbercourt and two other friends, rode down to Castleman's, and Max entered the house for a few minutes. Yolanda had told him that she would not be at the lists, and Max felt that it were better so.

That she was the princess seemed at one moment indubitably true; the next moment it appeared absurdly impossible. Still, Castleman's words rang in my ears. I was glad that Max was riding a hundred yards behind me. My first determination was that he should know nothing of what I had heard. My second was that he and I should leave the party at Metz.