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Certainly Carrière does not sacrifice style, expression, composition for splashing hues. Yet his illuminating strokes appear to proceed from within, not from without. He interrogates nature, but her answer is a sober, not a brilliant one. Let us rather say that his colouring is adequate he always asserted that a sense of proportion was success in art.

The most talented of all would be the very men to see a better 'carriere ouverte aux talens' than the world could give; to long for deeper and loftier meditation than could be found in the court; for a more divine life, a more blessed death, than could be found in the camp and the battle-field.

If I am any judge of physiognomy, such a man as that, having what the Negro has not yet had 'la carriere ouverte aux talents, might raise, not himself merely, but a whole tribe, to an altogether new level in culture and ability. Just after passing this gang we found, lying by the road, two large snakes, just killed, which I would gladly have preserved had it been possible.

Frank and Carriere vied with each other in relating their narrow escapes from accidents and scarcity of provisions, when Hudson Bay fare of "one pound of flour, half a pound of tea, and one pound of fat pork, or one jack-fish six mile long," would have been appreciated.

You've done nothing, you know." "That makes it worse. They'll find out I've done nothing and flog me for it." "And you are sure that you'll be taken to Petersburg for that." "My friend, I've told you already that I regret nothing, ma carriere est finie.

The two fighting airmen had left Vauciennes at two o'clock in the afternoon, and at quarter-past three they landed, conquerors, at Carrière l'Evêque. From their opposing camps the infantry had followed the fight with their eyes. The Germans, made furious by defeat, cannonaded the landing-place.

But for the sake of those for whom the weight of innate conviction is not sufficient proof, I may here mention that in December, 1864, Professor Moritz Carrière, in Munich, when conversing with me about Beethoven's Letters, expressly assured me that these three letters were genuine, and that he had seen them in Berlin at Bettina v.

But they had not gone far on their way across the Place de La Carriere, where the tournament had been held, before Ringan startled his companion with a perfect howl, which had in it, however, an element of ecstasy, as he dashed towards a tall, bony figure in a blue cap, buff coat, and shepherd's plaid over one shoulder. 'Archie o' the Brake. Archie! Oh, ye're a sight for sair een!

Among the most distinguished are Kugler, Carriere, and Luebke. Biographers and historians of literature are numerous. English Literature. Its Divisions. 2. The Language. Celtic Literature. Irish, Scotch, and Cymric Celts; the Chronicles of Ireland; Ossian's Poems; Traditions of Arthur; the Triads; Tales. 2. Latin Literature, Bede; Alcuin; Erigena. 3. Anglo- Saxon Literature.

When asked to take a canoe, they looked at it, lifted it shook their heads, laughed and told Carriere it was 'too heavy, they were not beasts. Mr. F offered them a dollar to take it over to the next lake less than half a mile. 'No' they lifted it again carefully, taking everything out of it "no, they wouldn't do it for five dollars." Then Mr.