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Before the term is over I think you'll realise what British women are doing all over the globe. Climatic conditions have an immense effect upon people and ought to be properly understood. The knowledge of these is the foundation of the brotherhood of races." It was not only in history and geography that Miss Mitchell made innovations. French also was to be on a different method.

Through this divine brotherhood the material world will become resplendent with the lights of Divinity, the mirror of materiality will acquire its lights from heaven, and justice will be established in the world so that no trace of darkness, hatred and enmity shall be visible.

"In Churches, men have listened for nearly two thousand years to lessons and sermons about 'the brotherhood of man, 'the forging of swords of war into plowshares of peace, 'man is his brother's helper, 'peace on earth, good will toward men, 'thou shalt not kill, We are taught to say the Lord's Prayer, and ask for heaven on earth, and yet, at every war opportunity, with a very few noble exceptions, the Church, at the command of the war lords, has scrapped its peace sentiments and turned its back to the Prince of Peace and Heaven on Earth and has shouted itself hoarse for hell on earth.

I had long been interested in your cause; I had long wished for time and opportunity to examine into it thoroughly. Your address I speak seriously removed the necessity of further study. I am of your party, Mr. Mutimer. There is nothing I desire so much as to give and take the hand of brotherhood. He jerked his hand forward, still preserving his respectful attitude.

The absence of all sentiment of caste, and the feeling of common origin and brotherhood which binds all classes of the Russian people into a homogeneous whole, will enable Russia to accomplish peacefully and without effort not only those great reforms which cost Europe centuries of struggle and bloodshed, but also many which the nations of the West are still unable to accomplish, in consequence of feudal traditions and caste prejudices."

It means that the man who is pure takes his purity to the foul, until all have become clean. It means that the man who is wealthy uses his wealth for the benefit of the poor, until all have become prosperous. It means that everything you gain, you share; everything you achieve, you give its fruit to all. That is the law of Brotherhood, and it is the law of national as well as of individual life.

"'Yes, we must be as white men now, replied the older men, sadly. "That night Ok-wa-ho beat into this handle these small silver hearts. They are the badge of brotherhood with all men. The next day white men came, explaining the new rule that must hold sway in the forest. 'If there is bloodshed among you, they said, 'the laws of Canada will punish the evil-doer.

"'Thou hast set the radiant heavens, With thy many lamps of brightness, Filling all the vaults above; Day and night in turn subjecting To a brotherhood of service, And a mutual law of love. "'Own me, then, at last, thy servant, When thou com'st in majesty; Be to me a pitying Father, Let me find thy grace and mercy; And to Thee all praise and glory Through the endless ages be.

At this voice he started. In an instant his arms were about the neck of Du Mesne, and tears were falling from the eyes of both in the welcome of that brotherhood which is admitted only by those who have known together arms and danger and hardship, the touch of the hard ground and the sight of the wide blue sky. "Du Mesne, my friend!" "Monsieur L'as!"

The Brotherhood and the various roads now maintain a general board of adjustment for each railway system. The Brotherhood is strict in insisting that the action of this board is binding on all its members. This method of bargaining and of settling disputes has been so successful that since 1888 the Brotherhood has not engaged in an important strike.