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Losberne, who appeared desirous of gaining time, recounted them at great length, and with much circumlocution. Messrs. Blathers and Duff looked very knowing meanwhile, and occasionally exchanged a nod. 'I can't say, for certain, till I see the work, of course, said Blathers; 'but my opinion at once is, I don't mind committing myself to that extent, that this wasn't done by a yokel; eh, Duff?

That this is a true proverb is almost universally admitted; indeed, there is reason to believe that it is equally true of women as of men; nevertheless, Captain Blathers did not believe it although he was himself a living illustration of its truth.

'I know his whole history: but we can talk about that presently. You would like, first, to see the place where the thieves made their attempt, I suppose? 'Certainly, rejoined Mr. Blathers. 'We had better inspect the premises first, and examine the servants afterwards. That's the usual way of doing business. Lights were then procured; and Messrs.

"Blathers!" said Rooney, as they walked along in the direction of the lower part of the town, "you could resist the timptation aisy av you'd only try, for you're only beginnin', an' it hasn't got howld of 'ee yit. Look at your brother Ram, now; why don't 'ee take example by him?" "Yis, Ram-stam's first-chop boy," said Chok-foo, with a penitential expression on his fat visage.

"I shall allow you a boat and provisions, Captain Blathers, for the use of yourself and your friends, and then bid you farewell. You see we are mercifully inclined, and have no desire to shed your blood. Ho! there lower one of the quarter boats." This order was obeyed with promptitude. Some provisions were thrown into the boat, and the captain was cast loose and ordered to get into it.

Losberne for Oliver's appearance if he should ever be called upon; and Blathers and Duff, being rewarded with a couple of guineas, returned to town with divided opinions on the subject of their expedition: the latter gentleman on a mature consideration of all the circumstances, inclining to the belief that the burglarious attempt had originated with the Family Pet; and the former being equally disposed to concede the full merit of it to the great Mr.

The sight that met his gaze was indeed well calculated to strike him dumb, for there, in a circle on the floor, with the remains of a roast of beef in the centre red-shirted, long-booted, uncombed, and deeply bronzed sat six old comrades, whom they had not seen for such a length of time that they had almost forgotten their existence namely, Captain Dall, long David Cupples, old Peter, Captain Blathers, Muggins, and Buckawanga!

'I don't know; I really don't know, said Giles, with a rueful countenance. 'I couldn't swear to him. 'What do you think? asked Mr. Blathers. 'I don't know what to think, replied poor Giles. 'I don't think it is the boy; indeed, I'm almost certain that it isn't. You know it can't be. 'Has this man been a-drinking, sir? inquired Blathers, turning to the doctor.

We must make the best of it; and if bad be the best, it is no fault of ours. Come in! 'Well, master, said Blathers, entering the room followed by his colleague, and making the door fast, before he said any more. 'This warn't a put-up thing. 'And what the devil's a put-up thing? demanded the doctor, impatiently.

The officer of the watch went down to report it to Captain Blathers, who immediately came on deck. Just as he appeared, the cry was repeated and a slight splash was heard. "Some one in distress," cried Captain Blathers promptly; "a crew for the starboard quarter-boat to pick him up. Stand by to lower. Be smart, lads!" These words, heartily uttered, put superstitious fears to flight at once.