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Lackaday shrugged his shoulders. That part of the matter scarcely interested him. He was concerned mainly with the sting of the viper Bakkus, whom he had nourished in his bosom.

You can ride bare back and jump through hoops?" "I learned to do that for Clown's business," replied Andrew. "But that's no good to me now. I am a professional juggler and conjurer and trick musician. I'm also a bit of a gymnast and sufficient of a contortionist to do eccentric dancing." Bakkus took a sip of beer, and regarded him with his mocking eyes.

For their success had brought them an offer of a month certain from a northern Palladium syndicate, with prospects of an extended tour. "Dust and ashes," said Bakkus. "You may be dust," cried Andrew hotly, "but I'm damned if I'm ashes." Bakkus bit and lighted a cheap cigar and threw himself on the dilapidated sofa. "No, my dear fellow, if it comes to that, I'm the ashes. Dead!

He was letting down nobody; neither the managements nor the public. Moignon would find means of consolation. "My dear Hylton," said he, "now that my faith in Bakkus is not only restored but infinitely strengthened, and my mind is at rest concerning Elodie, I feel as though ten years were lifted from my life. I'm no longer Petit Patou. The blessed relief of it!

As my Shakespearian preincarnation scorned dishonourable designs, so do even I. The marriage of Veuve Elodie Marescaux and Horatio Bakkus will take place at the earliest opportunity allowed by French law. If that delays too long, we shall fly to England where an Archbishop's special licence will induce a family Archdeacon to marry us straight away.

I would sooner, my dear, listen to the ripple of your speech than read all the manuals of military science the world has produced." Andrew saw her flattered to fluttering point. "Don't you know that he is the greatest blagueur an existence?" he asked. But Elodie had fallen under the spell of Bakkus. like him she loved talk, although her education allowed her only the lightest kind.

Sometimes he felt an almost irresistible desire to kick Andrew, so mild and gentle, with his eternal idiotic grin; but he knew in his heart that Andrew was not one of the idiots whom people kicked with impunity. He lashed him, instead, with his tongue, which Andrew, within limits, did not mind a bit. To Bakkus, however, Andrew owed the conception of their adventure.

I know when Horace is talking nonsense and when he means what he says." "And I maintain," said Bakkus, "that this most adorable woman is being sacrificed on the altar of Caesar's Commentaries and the latest French handbook on scientific slaughter."

He would no more have dreamed of addressing me by my Christian name than of hailing Field-Marshal Haig as Douglas. White-haired, thin-lipped Bakkus smiled sardonically. But there was no help for it. "My very intimate friends call me Tony," said I. "To-ny," she echoed. "But it is charming, To-ny. A votre sante, To-ny." She held put her glass I was sitting next to her. I clinked mine politely.

Years ago I told him he ought to be a sergeant in a barrack square." "Just so!" cried Elodie. "Look at him now. Here he is as soft as two pennyworth of butter. But in the theatre, if things do not go quite as he wants them oh la la! It is Right turn Quick march! Brr! And I who speak have to do just the same as the others." "I know," said Bakkus. "A Prussian without bowels. Ah, my poor Elodie!