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O rising stars!..." The languor was gone. She shivered and sat erect, he watching her in an agony of apprehension. She looked slowly round at him. "You haven't answered!" His voice broke over that into a sob. "Will you marry me, Mary?" "I don't know," she said dully, like one struggling out of a dream. "I will if I can. I meant to for a while, I think. But ..."

It must, therefore, have been discarded lately, after the snowstorm had ceased this morning. Dave continued his search in an agony of apprehension. The sun faintly struggled with the mass of gray cloud, revealing a world of white.

Catherine, recollecting herself, grew ashamed of her eagerness, and began earnestly to assure him that her attention had been fixed without the smallest apprehension of really meeting with what he related. "Miss Tilney, she was sure, would never put her into such a chamber as he had described! She was not at all afraid."

Flora seemed a little a very little affected and discomposed at his approach. 'I bring you an adopted son of Ivor, said Fergus. 'And I receive him as a second brother, replied Flora. There was a slight emphasis on the word, which would have escaped every ear but one that was feverish with apprehension.

The fond lover as it might be myself sees his beloved depart on a railway journey with apprehension. He never ceases to remember that engines burst and trains run off the line. In an agony he awaits the telegram that tells him she has reached Shepherd's Bush in safety. When he sees her talking, as if she liked it, to another man, he is torn, he is rent asunder, he is dismembered by jealousy.

Now I don't call myself at all clever, but when Frank explained the method of voting to me, I saw it all in a minute and you, Tom did not you, too? but then you are rather a genius." "It is as plain as a pikestaff," said Tom Lowrie. "Walter thinks, because he has not read very much, that we must think him stupid," said Elsie, "when he really has the quickest apprehension of all sorts of things."

When M. Guizot became first minister of Louis Philippe, she wrote to a friend: "I now see my husband much less than I desire, but still I see him.... If God spares us to each other, I shall always be, in the midst of every trial and apprehension, the happiest of beings."

"No, no," replied Vanslyperken, "it's to take some biscuit up to a poor old woman close by. I don't want to be robbed, any more than you do, Smallbones." But the very quick reply of his master only increased the apprehension of Smallbones, who left the cabin, and hastened to Corporal Van Spitter, to consult with him.

Out of the circle of that horizon he had to rise by spiritual apprehension in order to be consoled. And there is no reason to doubt that at times, if not invariably, in his early days, he did rise; he found consolation. But it was all without form. It was a sentiment, a mood, philosophically bodiless.

But he clung on, and, though no comfort came, still clung, while vague memories of long-ago shipwrecks, and stories told in his youth of men, women, and children tossing for hours on a drifting plank, flashed through his benumbed brain, and lent their horror to his own sensations of apprehension and despair. He wanted to live.