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Mary A detested the words "This space to be sold," and had been known to shake her fist at them. She was as elated about her house as if it were a real house, and always trembled when any possible purchaser of spaces called. As I have told you my own aphorism I feel I ought in fairness to record that of this aggrieved servant. It was on the subject of art.

He rather took a pride in numbering them; and, with Comus, seemed pleased to be "stocked with so fair a herd." With such sources, it was a wonder how he contrived to keep his treasury always empty. He did it by force of an aphorism, which he had often in his mouth, that "money kept longer than three days stinks." So he made use of it while it was fresh. He never missed it.

Now these are examples of Mark Twain's humour, American humour, such as we are accustomed to expect from Mark Twain humour not unmixed with a strong spice of wit. But Mark Twain was capable of wit, pure and unadulterated, curt and concise. I once saw him write in a young girl's birthday book an aphorism which he said was one of his favourites "Truth is our most valuable possession.

There is a common mistake in the idea that the invisible states of consciousness are chaotic, or radically different from the visible. "As below, so above, and as above so below" is an aphorism constantly held before the eyes of the would-be initiate. Each of whom, must interpret and know it for himself.

'Put "The cord which is held tight is the easiest to snap." That will be all right. The cord of which I speak is never held at all. The moment it is necessary to hold it, it is of no value. It must be voluntary, natural, unavoidable. So Frank amended his aphorism. 'Anything more, dear? 'Yes, I have thought of one other, said she.

That it was a definite technique of life control is proved by Patanjali's APHORISM II:49. "These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God."-REVELATIONS 3:14. "Our rejoicing" is the correct translation; not, as usually given, "your rejoicing." St. Paul was referring to the OMNIPRESENCE of the Christ consciousness..

As for Periander's aphorism, that "to industry all things are possible," pyramid-building old Egypt, or the Druids of Stonehenge, or Scottish proverbial perseverance in Australian sheep rearing and Canadian timber clearing, will carry the point by acclamation.

Elsewhere he quotes without censure that strange aphorism of Saint Simon's, concerning which and whom so much were to be said: "L'age d'or, qu'une aveugle tradition a place jusqu'ici dans le passe, est devant nous; The golden age, which a blind tradition has hitherto placed in the Past, is Before us." But listen again:

Further she read, "Which is the coward among us? He who sneers at the failings of Humanity!" "Oh! that is true! How much I admire that!" cried the dark-eyed dame as she beamed intellectual raptures. Another Aphorism seemed closely to apply to him: "There is no more grievous sight, as there is no greater perversion, than a wise man at the mercy of his feelings."

As many times as he pondered again this recent event, his ruminations churned up vacuity and uncertainty for he still did not know whether or not this mono-homosexual experience of masturbating one time to the image of a male in a toilet of a train on a day of panicking over having turned forty constituted a thought that was acted upon, and so the aphorism did nothing for him.