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Very likely if he knew how hawk and crow dog him for dinners, he would resent it. But the badger is not very well contrived for looking up or far to either side. Dull afternoons he may be met nosing a trail hot-foot to the home of ground rat or squirrel, and is with difficulty persuaded to give the right of way. The badger is a pot-hunter and no sportsman.

He told me once that his own daughter died just as she was getting old enough to help her mother, and that he had beentrying to make up for it ever since.” On summer afternoons he used to sit for hours on the sidewalk in front of his laundry, his newspaper lying on his knee, watching his girls through the big open window while they ironed and talked in Danish.

He devoted his mornings to lectures of a more philosophical and technical character; to these only the abler and more advanced students were admitted. In the afternoons he lectured on subjects of a more popular kind rhetoric, the art of politics, etc. to larger audiences.

Raft at one of those elegant afternoons where the talk would run on the politics of the moment, on symbolism, on Bergson, or Iturrino or the works of Othon Friesz ! He could not be her companion in that place, in that atmosphere, within leagues of those people. She was not thinking that now.

He went away with his feeble shuffling steps, so unlike the step of youth; Ida following him, thinking sadly of the autumn afternoons when he used to come leaping out of his boat young, bright, and seemingly full of life and energy, and when she half believed she loved him. The Jardines came the next day, self-invited guests.

A picture with the cow-path leading up from the pool at the foot of the hill, and the stone walls, and the corn piled on the fields, and the pumpkins lying around, and the sun setting behind the house. Paint it on one of these cold, snappy afternoons, when your blood tingles and you feel good that you're alive.

He had a theory that daylight was prejudicial to his prosperity, and that it was only at night that he could play there with any fair chance of success; but he not unfrequently had other business of a similar nature on hand to occupy his mornings and afternoons; and when he was engaged or absent, Madelon, with the happy adaptability of a solitary child, had no difficulty in amusing herself alone with her toys, and picture-books, and dolls.

You might look after the golf cases, you know; injuries to bald-headed gentlemen by gutties; trespassing by players; forfeiting of leases, and so forth. What do you say?" "All right," answered Outfield cheerfully. "But it must be understood that the afternoons belong to the links and not to the law."

And so it chanced that old Bosc went grumbling away at the proper time, whereas usually the company were needlessly detained and lost whole afternoons in consequence. Everyone went off.

They will also see to the introduction of temperance books into Sunday School Libraries. Committee on Public Meetings and Entertainments will arrange for lectures, readings, concerts, temperance mass meetings and gospel temperance meetings on Sabbath afternoons, mothers' meetings, cottage prayer meetings, etc. At very many of these meetings it is desirable to have the pledge circulated.