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STEPHEN: Nothung! THE GASJET: Pwfungg! BLOOM: Stop! Hold on! Don't run amok! BELLA: Police! Lynch and Kitty and Zoe stampede from the room. They talk excitedly. There's something up. BELLA: Who pays for the lamp? The lamp's broken. A WHORE: He tore his coat. Ten shillings. You're a witness. Ten shillings? Haven't you lifted enough off him? Didn't he...? This isn't a brothel. A ten shilling house.

Very handsomely grained and highly polished wood is used for the sheath and the two pieces forming it are frequently so skilfully joined as to have the appearance of being in one. Though naturally a stabbing weapon, the Malays of Brunai generally use it for cutting, and after an amok the blade employed is often found bent out of all shape.

'What is this that men say about To’ Kâya running âmok in the palace? Where is he? he cried. 'At the Mosque, said twenty voices. 'Ya Allah! said Tŭngku Dâlam, 'They said he was in the palace! Well, what motion are ye making to slay him?

"He's thinking," Walter said, "about a French officer from Waterloo who blew out his brains with a pocket-pistol on that table, and an English archer from Agincourt who ran amok with a dagger in here, and a trooper of the Seventh Cavalry from the Custer Massacre." Gregory managed to overcome his revulsion.

Often enough something trivial begins the trouble, and, in the heat of the moment, a blow is struck by a man against one whom he holds dear, and the hatred of self which results, causes him to long for death, and to seek it in the only way which occurs to a Malay namely, by running âmok. A man who runs âmok, too, almost always kills his wife.

And I the cause of it all! Yet part of the scene was also ridiculous at all events to myself it was so. I am not quite sure what was the matter with me whether I was merely stupefied or whether I purposely broke loose and ran amok.

The hot life-blood spurted out over his hand and naked arm, and dyed the creamy silk of his wedding baju a dark red. Once more he struck, as he chanted a promise from the Koran, and the shrill, agonized cry of a woman broke upon the ears of the astonished guests. Then the fierce sinister yell of "Amok! amok!" drowned the woman's moans, and sent every Malay's hand to the handle of his kris.

Some people attribute it to the excessive use of opium by unprepared constitutions, and others to monomania arising from an unusual form of digestive disturbance; but from it being peculiar to Malays, I rather incline to Major M'Nair's view: "There can be no doubt that the amok had its origin in the deed of some desperate Malay, that tradition handed it down to his highly-sensitive successors, and the example was followed and continues to be followed as the right thing to do by those who are excited to frenzy by apprehension, or by some injury that they regard as deadly, and only to be washed out in blood."

In cases, however, in which the offender is of higher rank than the injured man, the latter in despair sometimes resorts to opium, and, rushing forth in a frenzy, slays all he can lay hands upon. This indiscriminate slaying is the amok proper. In certain cases, such as those arising out of jealousy, the desire for vengeance gains absolute possession of a Malay. Mr.

Despite his prowess and renown, demons trouble the Yadavas from time to time, but all are killed either by Krishna wielding a magic quoit or by Balarama plying his plough or pestle. On one occasion, a monkey demon runs amok, harassing the people and ravaging the country. He surprises Balarama bathing in a tank with his wives, despoils their clothes and defiles their pitchers.