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Updated: August 2, 2024

'Where should a Carbury go to escape from London smoke, but to the old house? I am afraid Henrietta will find it dull. 'Oh no, said Hetta smiling. 'You ought to remember that I am never dull in the country. 'The bishop and Mrs Yeld are coming here to dine to-morrow, and the Hepworths. 'I shall be so glad to meet the bishop once more, said Lady Carbury.

But I do not know that I should care to talk very freely in his company. 'I am sure he would repeat nothing. 'Perhaps not; but he would always be thinking that he was going to get the best of me. 'I don't think it answers, said Mrs Yeld to her husband as they went home. 'Of course I don't want to be prejudiced; but Protestants are Protestants, and Roman Catholics are Roman Catholics.

If any one could find the boy, he thought he could; and with such trusty substitutes as the Doctor and Mr Headland, who remained at Yeld, to leave behind, he felt that he might, nay rather that he must, venture on the journey. It was on the morning of his departure, as he was waiting for the trap to carry him to the station, that Roger's telegram was put in his hand:

She spent the evening quite alone; for Hetta was staying down in Suffolk, with her cousin's friend, Mrs Yeld, the bishop's wife; and as she thought of her life past and her life to come, she did, perhaps, with a broken light, see something of the error of her ways, and did, after a fashion, repent.

And therefore the Summer in no sort to be feared, but some curious witt may obiect that the naturall anoyance of cold is preuented by reason of the trauell of the body with other artificiall prouisions to defend the fury thereof, as also the whot vapors which the earth may yeld, whereof experience vrgeth confession, but vpon the seas it cannot be sith it is a cold body subiect to yeld great dampes and cold brethinges most offensiue to nature.

I fancy we can scrape a thing or two up from what's in the house. And I've called in at one or two of the shops at Yeld and told them to send up some things addressed to `Miss J. Oliphant private. There was rather a nice lot of herrings just in, so I got three dozen of them cheap. Then I told them at the confectioner's to send up all the strawberry ices they could in the time, and 150 buns.

So thinking of himself and so resolving, he had told much of his story to his friend the Bishop, and as a consequence of those revelations Mrs Yeld had invited Hetta down to the palace.

Mrs Yeld had even taken upon herself to write to him a most affectionate letter, in which she said very little as to any evidence that had reached her as to Roger's defection, but dilated at very great length on the abominations of a certain lady who is supposed to indulge in gorgeous colours.

"Oh, I say, Doctor, keep it quiet! You'll come, won't you? There'll be a tidy spread enough to go all round; and the Duke and his lot are coming, and we expect the Grenadiers." "Doctor," said Jill, "we shall depend on you so much. Do come early!" Dr Brandram drove back to Yeld in a dazed condition of mind.

It was Monday evening when the Yeld post-master was exercised in his mind by hearing a loud rap down-stairs, which on inquiry he found to have proceeded from the discharge of 150 mysterious-looking halfpenny missives, written in a very round hand, into his box. Being an active and intelligent person, he felt it his duty to examine one, addressed, as it happened, to the Duke of Somewhere.

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