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Updated: August 25, 2024

What does he think this is, a Fourth Level dictatorship?" "What kind of a claim, now?" Yandar Yadd addressed Larv, ignoring Varkar Klav. "Consolidated Outtime Foodstuffs one of the Thalvan Interests companies just claimed forty thousand P.E.U. for a hundred slaves bought by one of their plantation managers on Third Level Esaron from a local slave dealer.

If I do, there'll be a Question in Council about why I had to, before the day's out!" "What's the matter, Larv?" Yandar Yadd asked lazily. "He trying to hold something out on you?" Sphabron Larv turned; his eyes lit happily when he saw his boss, and then his anger returned. "I want to see a copy of an indemnity claim that was filed this morning," he said. "Varkar, here, won't show it to me.

"The Paratime Police asked me to keep this confidential," Varkar Klav said. "Publicity would seriously hamper an important police investigation." Yandar Yadd made an impolite noise. "How do I know that all it would do would be to reveal police incompetence?" he retorted.

"I thought you'd managed to get that blabbermouth transposed to PolTerm," Zostha said. "He wouldn't go." Tortha Karf replied. "Said it was just a trick to get him off Home Time Line during the Council crisis." Yandar Yadd had appeared on the screen as the pickup swung about.

The screen lit, and Yandar Yadd automatically pressed a button for a photo-copy. The two newsmen stared for a moment, and then even Yandar Yadd's shell of drowsy negligence cracked and fell from him. His hand brushed the switch as he snatched the hand-phone from his belt. "Marva!" he barked, before the girl at the news office could more than acknowledge.

Fix her up with some kind of a title and police status technical-expert, assistant, or something like that." He clasped hands, man-fashion, with her. "Glad to have you on the cops with us, Dalla," he said. Then he turned to Vall. "There was almost twenty-four hours between the time I heard about this and when this blasted Yandar Yadd got hold of the story.

Coming down a hallway on the hundred and seventh floor of the Management wing of the Paratime Building, Yandar Yadd paused to admire, in the green mirror of the glassoid wall, the jaunty angle of his silver-feathered cap, the fit of his short jacket, and the way his weapon hung at his side.

"Karf, for the first and last time, let me remind you that I opposed this lunacy from the beginning. Now, what are we going to do next?" "I suggest that we get to Headquarters as soon as we can," Tortha Karf said. "If we wait too long, we may not be able to get in." Yandar Yadd was back on the screen, denouncing Tortha Karf passionately. Tortha went over and snapped it off.

"Why, what's been happening, Chief?" Tortha Karf swore with weary bitterness. "Salgath Trod's what's been happening. At first, after Yandar Yadd broke the story on the air, there was just a lot of unorganized Opposition sniping in Council; Salgath waited till the middle of the afternoon, when the Management members were beginning to rally, and took the floor.

The music stopped as though cut off with a knife, and the slim girl with the red hair vanished in a shatter of many colors. When the screen cleared, one of the announcers was looking out of it. "We interrupt the program for an important newscast of a sensational development in the Salgath affair," he said. "Your next speaker will be Yandar Yadd "

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