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Updated: August 24, 2024

Dey caught diseases an' died by de hund'eds, jus' lak flies. Dey had been fooled into thinkin' it would be good times, but it was de wors' times dey ever seen. Twant no place for 'em to go; no bed to sleep on; an' no roof over dey heads. Dem what could git back home set out wid dey min's made up to stay on de lan'. Mos' of dey mistis' took 'em back so dey wuked de lan' ag'in.

We went on some journeys with a deale of paines and labour becaus for our weeknesse, and moreover a man of the other boat fell sick of the ague, soe that one of us must helpe him either in the carriag or drawing the boat; and, which was wors, my compagnion was childish and yong as I. The long familiarity we had with one another breeded contempt, so that we would take nothing from one another, which made us goe together by the ears, and fought very often till we weare covered in blood.

I had to be in bed day after day, thinking of dozens of things that I ought to be doing." "Was you ever floored?" Polly asked with a touch of unbelief as she studied the fine, healthy physique at the side of her bed. "'Deed he was, chile," Mandy cried, feeling that her opportunity had now arrived; "an' I had the wors' time a-keepin' him in bed. He act jes' like you did." "Did he?"

"Lots o' Niggers would slip off from one plantation to de other to see some other Niggers. Dey would always manage to git back' fore daybreak. De wors' thing I ever heard 'bout dat was once when my Uncle Alf run off to 'jump de broom. Dat was what dey called goin' to see a woman. He didn' come back by daylight, so dey put de Nigger hounds after him.

Next morning Bill didn't report, but he's been going it since on diarrhoea." "He wasn't smart, there," observed another. "He ought to have done as little Burky of our mess did. He'd hurry to quarters, take the blister off, clap it on again next morning when he'd report, and he'd have the little Dutchman swearing at the blister for not being 'wors a tam."

"I beggs to stait that ittle bee for yoor int'rest for to look arter that air gurl cald Eme as was left yoor doar sum dais bak, if yoo doant ittle bee wors for yer, yood giv yer eer an noas too to no wot i nos abowt that gurl, it's not bostin nor yet threttenin I am, no, I'm in Downrite arnist wen I sais as yool bee sorrie if yoo doant do it."

Several hunters out to day & killed a young Elk, Antilope, & 3 Deer, one man Shannon did not return to night- This evening Cool my anckle much wors than it has been- this evening a Violent wind from the N. W accompanied with rain which lasted half an hour wind N. W The morning being fair we spread our stores to dry at an early hour.

"Got two faults, tha's all; he's modesht an' he's lazy he won't work." "Anthony?" "Yes." Locke stirred himself, and, leaning forward, said: "You and he are good friends, eh?" "Best ever." "Would you like to play a joke on him?" "Joke? Can't be done. He's wises' guy ever. I've tried it an' always get the wors' of it. Yes, sir, he's wise guy. Jus' got two faults: he won't work an' " "Look here!

Accordingly, we soon read of the horrors of famine, amid the gloomy wintry forests, the trees laden and the ground deeply covered with snow. Radisson gives a moving description of it. "It grows wors and wors dayly. . . . Every one cryes out for hunger.

The women gat aboard, and asked Jimmy if he had seen a dog. He said, 'There's nee dog heor; the ship's wors, and they say he fand the dog on the floor and that he put it ower-board. Now, there's a born convict for ye!

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