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"You want a vote?" asked Janet, curiously, gazing at the pearl earrings. "Certainly I want one." "Why?" "Why?" repeated Mrs. Brocklehurst. "Yes. You must have everything you want." Even then the lady's sweet reasonableness did not desert her. She smiled winningly, displaying two small and even rows of teeth. "On principle, my dear.

I think the children expected me to put the key in my pocket and then murder them and stuff them into the stove. "I know perfectly well that he is dead, my child," I replied winningly, "it is his life, his memory that I love. And once upon a time, long ago, a great man named Friedrich Froebel came here to Yverdon and studied with your great Pestalozzi.

"Surely sending boats is too much of a nuisance," the French commander said winningly. "We will come alongside." "It’s a trick," the Connie growled. "You want me to open my valves, then your men will board us and try to take over my ship!" "My friend, you have a suspicious mind," Galliene replied smoothly. "If you wish, arm your men. Ours will have no weapons.

In this thought he was aided by his own innocence and simplicity; and though, on looking back afterwards to this eventful season, he recognized many trivial occurrences which ought to have put him on his guard, yet he had no suspicion at the time that those who conversed so winningly, and sustained so gracefully and happily the commerce of thought and sentiment, might in their actual state, nay, in their governing principles, be in utter contrariety to himself when the veil was removed from off their hearts.

Psmith came out of his thoughts with a start. 'You were observing ? he said. 'I shall not dismiss Jackson, said Mr Bickersdyke. Psmith smiled winningly. 'Just as I had hoped, he said. 'Your very justifiable anger melts before reflection. The storm subsides, and you are at leisure to examine the matter dispassionately. Doubts begin to creep in.

There was a cry among the crowd to have the child executed also, and many called out that the spawn would be a serpent one day, and it were better to crush it while it was time; but the little fellow was so handsome, and looked so winningly around him on the armed ranks and the glancing weapons, that even their cruel hearts relented, and he was spared.

He said he liked that boy; and he pleaded for him so winningly and funnily that the man who was hurt most laughed loudest. Standing up in the carriage, and holding me by the hand, he addressed them by their names: 'Sweetwinter, I thank you for your attention to my son; and you, Thribble; and you, my man; and you, Baker; Rippengale, and you; and you, Jupp'; as if he knew them personally.

Come," and he grasped Ben Maslia by the arm. "It is kind of thee, friend Abi Fressah," rejoined the other, "but I have built me a new abode on the other side of the city." Abi Fressah's face fell for a moment, but he was clever enough to take advantage of the news. "A new dwelling erected by the wealthy Ben Maslia," he said, winningly, "must be a building of magnificence, worth seeing."

He could judge for himself what sort of a girl Cherry was, by her appearance, and her clean, well-mended frock. He went on to tell her that he was a widower with one little boy, for whom he wanted a nurse, and would Cherry come and take the post? He talked for a long time very earnestly and winningly.

Reynolds advanced, smiling; a polka was being played at the moment, and he playfully contorted his figure and balanced his head from side to side in time with the tune, while with his right forefinger he beckoned winningly to Miss Valeyon to join him in the dance.