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Updated: August 7, 2024

Pappy tol' him to whup him but not to stake him he'd stan' fer it wid'out de stakin' so I 'member he looked jes lak he was jumpin' a rope an' hollering', 'Pray Marser', ever time de strop hit 'im. "I neber got no whuppins frum Marse George 'cause he didn' whup de chulluns none. Li'l darky chullun played 'long wid white chullun.

Let's start for the moon!" For a moment there was silence in the laboratory of the scientist. It was broken by Washington White, who remarked: "Good land a' massy! Annodder ob dem trips through de air! Well, I ain't goin' to no moon no sah!! Ef I went dere, I'd suah get looney, an' I has troubles enough now wid'out dat, I suah has!"

Have you made any effort to get out?" The negro came over to him, and bent down. "I was layin' on a board what I'd worked loose at one end," he whispered hoarsely, "back ob de bench, but I couldn't jerk it out wid'out somethin' ter pry it up wid." "Where is it?" "Right yere, Massa Jack." It was a heavy twelve-inch plank, part of the flooring, and the second from the side-wall.

He would explain that his maps were of ancient date and full of misinformation as to stage routes. "See that now! The stages was pulled off that line five year ago, on account of the railroad cuttin' in on them. Ye couldn't make it wid'out ye took a camp outfit. There's ne'er a station left, and when ye come to it, it's ruins ye'll find.

Mah daddy could only see mah mammy Wednesday en Saturday nites, en ef'n he kum wid'out a pass de pat-rollers would whup 'im er run 'im 'til his tongue hung out. On dem nites we would sit up en look fer daddy en lots ob times he wuz out ob bref cose he had run so much. Mah white folks had a loom en we wove our own clothes. I wuz nuss en house girl en l'arned how ter sew en nit.

You'll hatter stan' out in de rain a mighty long time 'fo' you kin talk hoarse ez dat house! "I let you know," continued Uncle Remus, laying his hand gently on the little boy's shoulder, "I let you know, Brer Wolf come a-slinkin' out, en made a break fer home. Atter dat, Brer Rabbit live a long time wid'out any er de yuther creeturs a-pesterin' un 'im!" Teenchy Duck

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