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A hook and ladder truck was hauled to the scene, its crew standing by ready at need. Whish! Two four-inch streams struck the flames, yet seemed only to feed them to greater fury. "We can't put that blaze out, men!" roared the local fire chief. "Turn the streams against the main building and stop the blaze from spreading. Let the axe crew follow me!"

"Throw it out of the window," said I, ignoring his question and shoving him off. "Whish ish the window dammie?" he asked, holding the bottle irresolutely and looking in befuddled distraction from side to side of the room. "Thur both windows fur as I see," said the man, who had been sober, but was no longer so. "Throw it through the back window! Folks comin' in at the door won't see it."

"Whish! bang, bang! pop!" the executioner was dead at my feet, shot through the head; the ladle of scalding oil had been dashed in the face of the unhappy Grand Vizier, who lay on the plain, howling. "Whish! bang! pop! Hurrah! charge! forwards! cut them down! no quarter!" I saw yes, no, yes, no, yes!

Whish I beg your pardon, captain: Huish, not Whish, of course," said Attwater. As the boy was filling Huish's glass, the bottle escaped from his hand and was shattered, and the wine spilt on the verandah floor. Instant grimness as of death appeared in the face of Attwater; he smote the bell imperiously, and the two brown natives fell into the attitude of attention and stood mute and trembling.

'If you're not going to tell, you're not going to tell, and there's an end to it. 'There can be no reason why I should affect the least degree of secrecy about my island, returned Attwater; 'that came wholly to an end with your arrival; and I am sure, at any rate, that gentlemen like you and Mr Whish, I should have always been charmed to make perfectly at home.

"Whish!" whispered Rastus, who, with Piffney, had been trying to look supernaturally solemn during this tirade. "Shoo!" repeated Sandy, leaning forward. The moon had just cleared the mangrove-tops, and illuminated the silvery sands, casting reflections upon the water, where there was now a perfect calm. Far away was heard the lonely cry of a laughing gull.

This hotel have recently enlarge, do offer all commodities on moderate price, at the strangers gentlemen who whish spend the seasons on the Lake Come." How is that, for a specimen?

Before I could drag my eyes from the horror there was the same terrible sound again, and another head fell upon the ground, while, with a rapidity that was astounding, the assistants passed from one culprit to the other in the long row, the miserable wretches making not the slightest resistance, but kneeling patiently in the position in which they were thrust, while whish, whish, whish, the executioner lopped off their heads at one blow.

"The child is poor." "The daughter of Clementine is poor!" I exclaimed aloud; "how fortunate that is so! I would not whish that any one by myself should proved for her and dower her! No! the daughter of Clementine must not have her dowry from any one but me."

Our boat seemed to be the only floating thing for miles! Had it not been for an occasional twinkle from the far-off window of some riparian villa, and the "whish" of a startled swan as it swerved aside to allow the boat to sweep by, we might easily have imagined ourselves traversing the bosom of one of those vast, solitary rivers of the wilderness across the sea.