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Hagen inquired of Kriemhild the whereabouts of this vulnerable spot, pretending that he would guard Siegfried against treachery in battle; and she, fully believing in his good faith, sewed a silken cross upon Siegfried’s mantle to mark the place. On the following morning Siegfried, with a thousand knights, took horse and rode away, thinking to avenge his comrades.

In addition to this, it is always a great advantage when the hounds give tongue, and so warn the sportsman of the whereabouts of the game. These hounds, called 'colpoys, can be procured in Roumania and Hungary. There is another description of deer found near the sea-coast in some parts of Asia Minor, which I will describe.

'I suppose you've just got to keep straight with him? Nella was on the point of saying, but she checked herself and substituted, 'The Emperor is your chief, is he not? "First among equals", you call him. 'His Majesty is our over-lord, said Aribert quietly. 'Why do you not take immediate steps to inquire as to the whereabouts of your Royal nephew? she asked simply.

"I was sure it would fail, for reasons which the Baron has explained, but I bade Abdullah join the kafila, seeing that we could not carry out our first plan of landing lower down the coast. Then, if the Italian party received news of our whereabouts, Abdullah would steal away and warn us. The mere fact that he is not here now shows that our presence in this locality is altogether unsuspected."

I fancy, if I had performed that portion of the act I should have lain quiet for a second or two, to consider whereabouts I was, and which end of me was uppermost. But there was no nonsense of that sort about that singularly agile stranger, if he was not made of india-rubber he ought to have been.

Which playful allusion to Albert de Chantonnay's pretensions was received by their object with a calm indifference. "When Jean returns," she said, practically, "I will send him to you at the Bremonts' cottage with food and clothing. But you must not attempt to communicate with us. You would only betray your whereabouts and do no good to us. We shall be quite safe in the chateau.

"And you don't know his whereabouts?" "No, I'm sorry. I didn't suppose his whereabouts mattered a damn to any one." The stern old Rajput smiled. It did his heart good to hear the familiar slang phrases again. "Whether it matters a damn as you say depends on whether he is the undesirable I have in mind. Quite young; but much influence, and a bad record.

"Was there anything else?" inquired the barrister, reverting to the chief topic before them. "Only this. I gathered that Gros Jean did not know his daughter's whereabouts in Marseilles, but she had arranged that if circumstances necessitated her departure from the town she would leave a letter for him in the Poste Restante, giving him full details.

But not once has he said that he is Leopold. Instead, he has proved his kingship by his acts." Nine o'clock found Barney Custer pacing up and down his apartments in the palace. No clue as to the whereabouts of Coblich, Maenck or the king had been discovered.

Weston at length found voice to enquire. "Oh, a pet scheme for the finding of a man who disappeared years ago." "And the man's name?" Weston was once more calm. "Henry Redmond, so he told me. He was a prominent business man, but after the death of his wife he mysteriously vanished, and left no trace of his whereabouts." "Strange, was it not?" Weston queried, as he furtively eyed the young man.